Children who require special education services are unique in the way they receive and process information. All children are different from one another and some require information to be taught in a way that’s designed specifically for their learning needs.
When we think of special education tutoring it’s usually in relation to children with special needs who are in grades kindergarten through twelfth, but those who haven’t quite started regular school sessions can sometimes benefit the most from special education services. It’s typically before kindergarten that a parent will start to notice if their child is struggling to learn basic self skills and progressing differently in other areas.

Children younger than elementary school sometimes see the greatest benefit from Special Education Tutoring.
Often times, early signs of both potential learning and emotional disabilities will show first as behavior issues. Primarily due to frustrations in learning and trouble in social interactions, behaviors don’t necessarily mean your child has a special need. However, there are ways to assist in ensuring they stay on their academic and developmental paths long before reaching school. This aided support in development is traditionally conducted through special education tutoring.
Keep in mind, special education by definition is simply providing the child information in such a way that maximizes their learning potential. Even if your child has not yet been labeled as needing special education services, a tutor who’s background is primarily working with children who have special needs can help to identify the specific learning style of your child.
Transition to School Services
About three months before your child turns three, you should contact your local school system to let them know your child will soon be eligible to begin preschool services. Discuss any issues you may be noticing in their behavior or other areas of skill development. Ask about what services are available for your child, and what accommodations they can provide to assist your child during the school year. Disability accommodations can include physical equipment or support, behavioral therapy, mental or emotional support, and can be performed in a number of ways that assist your child in reaching their educational goals.
Even if your child has been receiving services through an Early Intervention program due to special needs, the school itself will need to perform an assessment to make sure your child is actually eligible to receive special education services. Because this process can take several months to complete, it’s necessary to begin these proceedings before your child becomes old enough for preschool to ensure they don’t encounter any delays in receiving necessary special education services.
Special Education for All Children
While these initial assessments and evaluations might be full of anxiety and tension for you, they should actually be pretty fun for your preschool child. The ability to get the help and support you and your child need from an early age can set them on the right path to educational success.
Special education services can differ for preschoolers from school to school, so it’s important you meet with school officials to see what type of particular environment your child will be learning in. For children aged three and four receiving special education services, they will more than likely be in a self-contained classroom for ease of learning. This means they will be educated with a smaller group of kids than typically found in the general education population, and will receive more personal attention from the special education teacher or teacher’s assistant during the course of the school day. Your child might participate in a partial day instead of a full one to minimize their strain on adapting to a traditional school day, which is another option you should inquire about to the school upon initial contact.
While special education services are available for children before kindergarten, after the initial years of preschool a formal evaluation will need to be performed to see if your child still qualifies for special education services going forward. Special education labels that are offered for a child typically don’t stick around as they get older, simply because educators and professionals want to see if a child might “grow out of” or catch up to a developmental delay or another sort of limiting disability. Even if your child no longer qualifies for special education after preschool, getting them the help they need during the earliest stages of their life can do wonders for boosting their confidence during the later years.
IEP and Preschool Children
An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is created for children who are receiving special education services through the school system, but this only for those currently kindergarten age or higher. This is a system of definable goals that your child’s teacher will work towards during the course of the school year as a way to help your child meet and exceed the educational standards for their grade and age level. Until then, ask your child’s educator to help you compile a list of informal goals to work towards, making sure to note your child’s unique learning style.
Special Education Tutoring
If you’re child struggles with behaviors, academics, social interactions or in any other area associated with development, special education tutoring services may help. Special Education Resource provides a free consultation during which parents are able to finally get some answers to their mountain of questions. We believe that a label doesn’t have to define a child, it simply proves that all children learn differently. Our tutors are trained to uncover the learning needs of each student and teach in a way that increases the speed of comprehension and the ability to retain information. For children who aren’t yet enrolled in school, we provide material to assist in their development again taking into consideration their unique learning style.
As classroom sizes increase and budgets continue to decline, supplemental learning through special education tutoring is rapidly increasing in popularity throughout the US. More and more parents are fed up with the current state of the nation’s school system and taking their child’s education into their own hands. Special education tutoring is not recommended to replace the traditional classroom, however it is a wonderful source of enhanced learning designed to give every child the tools necessary and the opportunity to reach their excellence.
Think Differently About Education. We Believe…

We assess your child’s learning style, personality, and interests to pair them with the ideal special ed tutor based on their individual needs.

Through technology and one on one learning, their future path to success can be made clear again.
Are you ready to see confident progress in your child?
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