Parent Advocacy for Special Education

Resources & Consulting to Support Your Goals

How does parent advocacy play a role in your child’s education? All kids—regardless of how they learn—deserve a high-quality education. But as the parent of a child with special needs, you know the importance of fighting to ensure your kid gets the supports and accommodations needed to thrive.

YOU know your child the best. They rely on YOU to keep their best interests in mind. YOU are their voice.

YOU are a parental advocate.

But you don’t have to navigate the system alone.

Special Ed Resource wants to help you become the strongest parent advocate for your child. We understand the unique needs people with autism, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities face. Let us create an individualized plan to ensure your child gets the best representation possible.


How Does Parent Advocacy Work?

Asking the tough questions. Speaking up when something seems wrong. Putting your child’s needs first. These are all roles parent advocates play. And the more noise you make, the better the outcome for your kid.

When parents advocate, their children succeed. Here are a few benefits of parental advocacy:

  • Accurate IEPs
  • Proper accommodations
  • Improved social skills
  • Better grades
  • Higher self-esteem
You want to ensure your child gets the best. But advocating alone can feel overwhelming. Meetings, questions, and reports consume your days. And not to mention all the red tape you’ll encounter along the way.

Special Ed Resource understands the system and will ensure your child’s IEP is individualized for their needs. We advocate for parents!


What to Expect from Our Parent Advocacy Services

No two kids are exactly alike. Parent advocacy for special education means getting the proper accommodations for your child. Generic supports won’t suffice. Special Ed Resource can help you prepare for your annual IEP meeting. We provide:

Special Need Tutoring Page

A 30-minute phone call with an IEP expert. Tell us about your child’s schooling background and any goals you have. We’ll also discuss any issues with your current IEP.

ADHD Tutor

Personalized IEP research. We’ll review all your documents and examine the proposed IEP.

ADHD Tutor
A comprehensive IEP report. Discover which items we found that are accurate, most likely accurate, and most likely inaccurate. We provide specific questions to introduce at your IEP meeting.
ADHD Tutor

A follow-up 30-minute phone call. Ask us any questions that arise after reading the report.

At Special Ed Resource, we support parents as advocates! Whether you choose public education or homeschool, we will ensure your special needs child receives the individualized curriculum and supports to reach their full potential—and beyond!

FAQ for Parent Advocacy

Parental advocacy involves taking an active part in the creation and implementation of the Individual Education Program (IEP) for your child. Special Ed Resource can review the proposed IEP to ensure your child gets accommodations and supports to excel in school. Remember that as a parent, YOU play the most crucial role in your special needs child’s education.

Parent advocates have a lot of options! The Statewide Parent Advocacy Network provides special education support and resources nationwide. You can also join local parent advocacy groups to connect with other special needs families. The experts at Special Ed Resource can help you prepare for your upcoming IEP meeting.

You know what’s best for your child. And you have the right to disagree with the school. Keeping open lines of communication with both special education teachers and administrators is vital. Schedule a meeting, and present your concerns in a straightforward manner. Refer to your child’s IEP if the school isn’t following it correctly. And when it comes time to reassess the IEP, the experts at Special Ed Resource can help.