Special Education Advocacy, Consulting & Resources to Support Your Goals

Special Ed Resource

Special Education Advocacy

Did you know that special education advocacy prepares your child for a future filled with opportunities and success? As a parent, you want the best for your child. You provide everything possible at home and trust the school will do the same. But does it? Are the supports your child receives in the classroom inclusive and individualized enough?

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special ed resources

It’s up to YOU to advocate for your child. You have the power to:

  • Tailor your child’s education
  • Demand appropriate accommodations
  • Speak up for your child’s rights
  • Question things that don’t seem right
  • Set your child up for success

Special needs families face unique challenges. Unfortunately, it seems that the educational system as a whole is no longer designed for your amazing child. Today, schools are quick to slap on labels. But you know a label doesn’t define your kid. They are so much more! It’s time to speak up to ensure your child receives the best education possible.

At Special Ed Resource, we support all people with special needs. Our IEP consulting services and resources ensure no one gets lost in the system. And as a parent advocate for special education, you can trust us to put your child’s best interests at the forefront.



Special needs parenting doesn’t come with an instruction booklet. Instead, you rely on instinct to do the best for your child. You challenge the system, raise your voice when something seems wrong, and fight for your child’s rights. You are a fantastic parent to a uniquely awesome kid.

special ed resources
special ed resources
Special education advocacy ensures your child:
  • Has an accurate IEP
  • Receives proper accommodations
  • Has access to suitable supports
  • Learns how to socialize with peers
  • Develops better executive functioning skills
  • Feels proud of themselves
  • Is ready for the future
As a special ed advocate, you are a caretaker, teacher, provider, and protector. You ask the tough questions and demand personalized answers. No one knows your child better than you. But that doesn’t mean you have to advocate alone.

Advocate with a Trusted Partner


Special Ed Resource provides the resources necessary to ensure your child receives a quality, tailored education. We cut through the red tape to help you implement an IEP individualized to your child’s needs.

You advocate for your child, and we advocate for you!

Further, inclusivity should be accessible to everyone! That’s why our services are value-driven. Whether you choose us for IEP advocacy or online tutoring, our affordable prices mean your child always comes first.

special ed resources

What If You Need an Adult Special Needs Advocate?

Caring for an adult with special needs? Are you worried the system will forget them? This is an all-too-common concern for many parents and guardians. Luckily, you can be an advocate for anyone with special needs—no matter their age!

Kids with special needs grow up to become adults with special needs. As people transition from childhood to adulthood, they face new challenges. But there’s no reason a disability should stop anyone from living a purposeful, rewarding life.

Here’s how special ed advocacy benefits adults:

  • Assistance transitioning from school-based support into independent or assisted living
  • Career training or work placement
  • Higher education support
  • Accommodations for college or the workplace

Just because an individual “ages out” of the system doesn’t mean they no longer need a special needs advocate. At Special Ed Resource, we help you best advocate for the special needs adult in your life. Additionally, we provide one-on-one special ed tutoring services to people of all ages.

If you’ve ever felt like teachers just didn’t get your child with autism, you were probably right. That’s the difference at Special Ed Resource. We vet autism tutors who get it and are armed with the most effective tutoring strategies to facilitate optimal results for your child. No cookie-cutter learning plans designed for the typical student. Only extraordinary plans for your extraordinary child.

What to Expect from Our Special Education Advocacy


Autism, dyslexia, ADHD, and other disabilities are on a spectrum. Everyone experiences these disabilities differently. And what works for one person won’t necessarily benefit the next. All individuals with special needs require tailored accommodations and supports. And the team at Special Ed Resource can help.

Our Expert IEP Guidance Program streamlines IEPs. We take an inclusive look into your child’s IEP and help you better understand it. Here’s our process to advocate for a highly personalized IEP:

Special Need Tutoring Page

Initial phone call:

During this 30-minute conversation, our in-house IEP expert will ask you questions about your child’s:

  • Schooling history
  • Current IEP challenges
  • Goals for the year
  • Additional information to guide the process
Special Need Tutoring Page

Individualized research:

Our expert examines all the documents provided to better understand the proposed IEP.

Special Need Tutoring Page

Comprehensive report:

We provide a thorough report that details the following:

  • Accurate: We list all the accurate items within the proposed IEP.
  • Most Likely Accurate: We note any sections that are most likely accurate but need more clarification.
  • Most Likely Inaccurate: We break down any discrepancies within the IEP or items we feel go against your child’s right to a free appropriate public education (FAPE).

Follow-up phone call:

We provide an additional 30-minute conversation to review any questions you might have after reviewing the report.

As a special education advocate, you will do anything to ensure inclusivity for your child. You can trust the dedicated, compassionate team at Special Ed Resource to do the same. From special needs advocacy to custom curriculums, we lay the groundwork for a successful educational path.


FAQ for Special Education Advocacy

Special education advocacy means standing up for the rights and needs of individuals with special needs. It involves personalizing education, requesting accommodations, and speaking up to ensure inclusivity and success.

Many parents have felt powerless and unsure about how to change the educational climate for their children. Special Ed Resource exists to change that. We empower parents and children with customized special needs tutoring for all learning disabilities. Today’s technology makes it easier, more accessible, and more affordable than ever to supplement your child’s learning from the comfort of home.

Whether you are looking for dyslexia tutoring, special education math, special education reading, an ADHD tutor, or an autism tutor, count on Special Ed Resource to connect you with the specific online tutoring programs and resources your child needs to become the best, most confident version of themselves.

Special ed advocates help parents prepare for annual IEP meetings. This includes discussing accommodations, interpreting reports, and checking documents for accuracy. Special needs adults benefit too! They get transitioning assistance, career training, and higher education support. The experts at Special Ed Resource will review your proposed IEP to ensure it meets your child’s needs.

Special education advocacy empowers you to speak up for your rights and the rights of your child. It provides support, resources, and guidance to ensure appropriate accommodations, tailored learning, and a path toward success. Special Ed Resource offers IEP guidance to help you advocate for your child.

Consultants provide expert advice. Advocates speak out and take action. Both are critical for special needs individuals. At Special Ed Resource, our in-house IEP consultants will review your proposed IEP. We will suggest questions to ask at the next annual meeting to help you best advocate for your child.

Special education advocacy ensures your child has an accurate IEP and gets the right accommodations at school. The goal is to boost socialization, improve executive functioning, and instill a sense of pride. Advocacy empowers families—like yours—to overcome challenges. It also creates a brighter future for loved ones with autism.

Many people are on your child’s IEP team, including you, your child, a special ed teacher, a general ed teacher, a school representative, and an expert to evaluate the results. The goal of this team is to create a plan that fosters your child’s education. The IEP Guidance Program from Special Ed Resource ensures you walk into your IEP meeting ready to advocate for your child.