Special Needs Tutoring For Autism
Defining what autism is can be tough, as there is no one right or wrong answer.
The autism spectrum disorder (ASD) encompasses many different nuances, all of which make up what we know as autism, although there is a general scientific consensus on what this actually is.
Most professionals agree that autism is a brain development disorder that might be diagnosed from the following symptoms:
- Limited communication skills
- Behavior that shows repetition
- Impaired social function/interaction
- Strange eating habits
- Limited interests in a variety of activities
Just as there is no one blanket diagnosis to autism, so too is there no “regular” degree of this disability. Autism can range from very mild to extremely severe and affects each child differently.
You might have heard of some autistic children who are very good at;
- Piano
- Or Math
- Or Memorization
Some can draw intricate portraits from memory, while others are still struggling to learn the basic self-skills that are necessary for human survival.
What determines the severity of autism is generally based on the level of function your child has in the above-mentioned areas.
There are also deviations on the spectrum that can cause autistic symptoms, too, like Asperger’s. While there’s been no clearly identifiable reason for what causes autism, scientists feel it might be heavily rooted in our genetic makeup.
If this is the case, more testing will need to be done to identify precisely which genes could be modified to start erasing this disorder from our evolutionary advancement.
Autism occurs more frequently in boys than girls – four percent more, in fact – although there is no arguable theory that pinpoints why this tends to happen.
Signs of this disorder typically show up in children younger than three, although by kindergarten symptoms should start to be fully developed.
Autism isn’t something that children “outgrow,” and will continue on into adulthood; how we handle the symptoms of an autistic child depends on their success in both education and life.
Education And Autism
If your child has been diagnosed with a form of autism, you might already feel familiar with the educational hurdles you’ve had to face thus far. Up until the age of three, your child was more than likely at home with you or other caregivers, depending on you for their care and survival.
When children reach the age of three, they are most likely eligible for early prevention programs and can start transitioning to their life outside of the home.
Special education services have been available in the United States for almost half a century, and are equipped to educate children with special needs who require the direct attention and alternative teaching methods this type of tutoring can provide.
Educating children with autism can be much different than educating a general school population and depends on creative solutions to academic problems that might arise.
IDEA and Autism
In 1975, the United States government officially recognized that children with handicaps or other limitations, should be eligible for a free appropriate public education (FAPE), regardless of their disability. The law was called the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA) and opened a new door for a world of educational possibilities.
Special education services became essential for schools that were now required to provide special education programs.
Teachers were explicitly trained in special needs and the subsequent education, and the classrooms expanded to encompass more children than ever before. A revolution had taken place, one that was many decades overdue.
As the educational system grew and flourished, the laws that helped broker the act were regularly updated with information about what qualified as a disability and the specific accommodations that might be necessary in order to teach those with learning disabilities.
In 2004, EAHCA was renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, otherwise known as IDEA.
IDEA is vital for all children with special needs, as it expands on the basic tenets of EAHCA and set in motion basic rules and regulations for what qualifies as special needs. With IDEA, the parents of children with autism are able to see their child receive the special education tutoring they need to help them achieve academic success or the general assistance that can help them obtain life skills that might have otherwise eluded their grasp.
Special Needs Tutoring For Children With Autism
Special needs tutoring differs from general, special education, as it’s more inclusive and provides a more direct one-on-one approach that can sometimes be missing from your child’s daily curriculum.
Even with all of the amazing advancements in special education services, many children still aren’t able to receive all of the assistance they require to reach maximum success. Thousands of parents are turning to supplemental learning through one-on-one special needs tutoring to ensure academic excellence.
Supplemental learning through special needs tutoring is a process that takes the curriculum your child is being taught in their classroom and modifies it to fit their unique learning needs.
At Special Education Resource, all of our special needs tutors have a degree in special education and understand the best approach to educating children with autism as individuals, not a one-size-fits-all approach. We’ve made it our mission to help your child achieve a level of educational success that might otherwise not be possible from typical special education services.
We understand that your child has an autism spectrum disorder that makes it difficult to learn, and we want to work with your child’s unique needs to help them build on the basic foundations of a general education.
For younger children not currently enrolled in school, Special Education Resource offers unique custom made lesson plans that are specifically tailored to your child’s needs, focusing on solutions to the issue of education and not the problems that are creating it.
With a few clicks of your mouse, you can sign up for special needs tutoring and be on your way to a whole new world of special needs learning. Our qualified special education professionals are trained to handle a variety of special situations and circumstances, so you can rest assured knowing that your child will be in capable hands for the duration of the sessions.
Educating a child with autism can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. Not all children learn in the same way, which is why it’s our mission in life to find ways that work with your child, not against.
Our special needs tutoring is flexible in both lessons and availability and strives to provide quality assistance in real-time measures.
The first step in determining whether or not special needs tutoring is a viable option for your child with autism is a free consultation. A special needs tutor will take the time to answer your questions, offer guidance, and help formulate a plan to ensure your child reaches their goals and academic excellence.
It takes a village to raise a child, as the saying goes, which is why it’s essential to have a supportive network of team players who are invested in your child’s education.
Any time you need us, we’re here to help!
Think Differently About Education. We Believe…

We assess your child’s learning style, personality, and interests to pair them with the ideal special ed tutor based on their individual needs.

Through technology and one on one learning, their future path to success can be made clear again.
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