Across the United States, the number of children with special needs has exploded over the past 15 years and is showing no sign of slowing down. With the growing demand, Special Education itself has become more complex and more difficult for many parents to understand.

The 5 W’s Of Special Education And Why Special Education Services Are A Right
In the infographic below, Special Education Degrees highlights the five W’s of Special Education; In the infographic below, Special Education Degrees highlights the five W’s of Special Education;
  • Who? –People
  • What? –Deserving Equal Opportunity
  • When? – When everyone needs help. WHEN THEY ARE CHILDREN.
  • Where? – Diagnosis: Doctors, Psychologists, Teachers, School Nurses, Therapists
  • Why? The infographic does a great job of breaking down special education as a whole into a more consumable format.
Did you know that 23% of households with children across the US have a child with special needs? This means that 11.2 million children across the united states that are enrolled (or should be enrolled) in special education services.
Children with special needs require different forms of treatment such as; Special education services in the United States are a right for children who need them. Since the first legislation was passed in 1973, we have come a long way in identifying the resources and tools necessary for children with special needs. As a country, we haven’t been able to keep up with the resources needed to ensure every child receives the opportunity needed to reach their excellence. Classroom sizes continue to explode and the resources provided to education continue to decline. There are additional options available to ensure children reach academic success. Options such as therapy, special education tutoring, supplemental online courses along with many more are growing in popularity.
Special Ed Resource

Whichever option you choose for your child, the more information you can gather and understand, the better prepared you will be to ensure your child with special needs reaches their academic excellence!

Special Ed 5Ws Infographic

This infographic was provided by Special Education Degrees