Currently, in the United States, kindergarten through grade five is considered elementary school. There are tens of thousands of homeschool resources available to you for this age group. Your style of educating will determine which resources best fit your needs. It is well worth your time to set up folders to organize links to your favorite homeschool resources as you find them. You’ll save valuable time when you need one for planning lessons.
Sorting through homeschool resources, can be mind-boggling when you begin homeschooling your elementary age children. Internet searches will give you thousands of websites and no practical way to determine which are most helpful. The homeschool resources discussed in this article have been chosen for the quality and accuracy of information located at each link. Don’t be afraid to mix up your resources a bit. Keep an open mind. It’s common for parents who homeschool to change their methods every few years.
Elementary school is all about learning the basics – reading, writing and math. These are the years you will discover where your child excels and where they struggle. If your current method of homeschooling isn’t working, learn from the mistakes, pivot, and try a different approach. Finally, don’t forget to “fill up your own tank.” Meaning, get out interact with other parents, have fun and enjoy yourself a little. It is easy to feel isolated when you first start homeschooling. Simply making time to socialize with like minded individuals, will help to re-energize and re-focus your efforts.
1. Homeschool Resources For Elementary – Reading
There are few things as rewarding as being there when that light bulb over your child’s head flashes and they begin reading on their own! That said, teaching children to read can be a long, slow haul. Give yourself the best chance of success with a few of these homeschool resources designed to help elementary age children begin their reading journey!
- Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons – This book is a classic homeschool resource. It’s a scripted approach to teaching your child to read. The concept is heavy on phonics rather than using sight words. If you like having everything laid out in front of you, this is a great way to teach the basics of reading.
- Blog Hopping – Want to gain some insight on how others have taught their child to read? Explore the variety of posts on this page to get a glimpse into other homeschooler’s lives. If you enjoy the post, hang around and read other posts. You may want to add the blog to your “For Me” folder.
- Reading Games – Supplementing your efforts to teach your child to read with an occasional online game is a terrific way to change pace and keep up interest.
- Use your imagination – There are countless ways to inexpensively create your own unique reading reinforcements. This is just one example to get you thinking.
2. Homeschool Resources For Elementary – Math
- Share the wealth – The homeschooling community is not only generous, it’s opinionated! There are hundreds of websites offering personal reviews of a variety of homeschool resources. The math reviews can be especially helpful when trying to pick something that will work best for your child.
- Practice makes perfect. This is especially true with math. If you find that you have to slow down in order to make certain your child has mastered a skill, it’s nice to have a place to go that can quickly generate worksheets.
- Family Math. This is a terrific homeschool resource for utilizing every day items to help make learning math fun. Use M&M’s, pennies and beans to teach math. There are plenty of games and activities for kids aged 5-12 and their parents. Discover the fun side of math as a team!
- Online math games. Most kids love extra time on the computer. Use these online math games as a way to give them some computer time while mastering basic math facts. MathBlaster is a great game on a safe, kid-friendly site that children actually enjoy while working their way through 100’s of levels. A quick internet search will lead to many other sites with fun, free math and logic games. (Parents, take the time to check these sites by playing a few games before setting your children loose.)
3. Additional Homeschool Resources For Elementary
It’s impossible to create a comprehensive list of homeschooling resources in a brief article. However, there are a few more resources to get you started.
- Dyslexsia – If you suspect or know your child is dyslexic, there are many ways to help them learn. Read about a new, free, downloadable font designed specifically for dyslexics.
- Free resources – study the world of homeschool blogs. Many bloggers go out of their way to provide you with free materials to download or access on a regular basis. You’ll figure out soon enough who you like and who to skip.
- Handwriting – there are a multitude of workbooks for teaching your child to write. If you have a printer, the Donna Young site is a dream come true. She offers free pages in several styles of handwriting.
- Special Education Resources – If you have a child with special https://specialedresource.comneeds, there are tons of resources dedicated to helping them learn in their own unique style. Options such as special education tutoring are used by thousands of parents as a way to supplement homeschool curriculum, and to receive guidance from an expert.
4. Homeschool Resources For Parents
- Give FlyLady a try! If you struggle with clutter, finding what you need when you need it and getting the kids involved in helping around the house, this may be a solution. FlyLady offers a gentle, but effective, approach to gaining control over your home and your life. There is nothing to buy (unless you want to). Follow her baby steps and stick with it. Like anything, you’ll adapt it to suit your life, but the general concept can be life-changing.
- Get to know Donna Young. If you have not been to Mrs. Young’s website, you are missing out. There are free forms to fit every homeschooling paperwork requirement. Using the vast homeschool resources on this site will have your records, lesson planning, calendars and even your cooking in the best order they’ve ever been.
- Join the rest of the weird, unsocialized homeschoolers. If you can’t keep your sense of humor, homeschooling is going to be a tough run. This is just one of hundreds of blogs kept by homeschool parents. These blogs are tremendous homeschool resources as they keep you connected with other parent’s. You’ll have to find the bloggers who “click” with you but, it’s worth finding them. (The linked site has several archived posts with recommended blogs.)
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