Due in large part to FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education), a child with special needs most often qualifies for special education services through the local school system. They typically will support the advance of their general education through special education services and tutoring. But special needs and learning disabilities don’t go away as a child gets older, which means they will still have a unique set of special needs and abilities when they become of age and grow into adulthood. When that specialized network of support is no longer available for educational purposes after graduation, adults with special needs can feel alone as they drift through life.
Special education tutoring is rapidly growing in popularity among adults with special needs. The idea of supplemental learning and continued education through special education tutoring is a way to ensure life-long success academically, and also in life itself. Self-esteem can often be lower in adults with special needs, continued education and crushing goals is a good way to ensure self-esteem remains positive.
All children, regardless of disability, deserve the chance to blossom into functional adults, and special education services have a certain responsibility to make sure that happens. The proper education, both for academic and life skills success, shouldn’t stop at the end of the school day, or year. To be a proper functioning citizen outside of high school graduation and the traditional school system, to learn how to secure employment, pay bills and be a success in whatever path life takes you on – that’s where special education needs to focus not only on educational achievement but preparation for life as an adult.
Special Education After School Ends
To assist students with their special abilities outside of the scope of traditional schooling, there needs to be a collaborative effort between the school system, parents and professional specialists, and outside sources such as special education tutoring. This will help students become productive members of society after school ends, as well as functioning adults going forward.
Look to your local community resources for information on what special education services might be available for your young adult. You might want to check with the school system before they graduate to find out exactly what sort of educational life skills and transitional services there might be going forward so you can help your child be prepared for the world beyond.
Most children with special needs thrive in the proper learning environment. Being among their peers, continually achieving goals and milestones often contribute to a feeling of high self worth. When school ends, and life stares young adults with special needs in the face it can be quite a change. Special education tutoring is a way to ease into life outside of the classroom. Continuing to grow and learn new things while tackling life’s challenges can be done with the help of a special education tutor.
“Special needs” is a broad term that encompasses a wide variety of needs and disabilities, and isn’t easily defined by any one word or phrase.
An adult with special needs might need help with one or more of the following:
- Behavioral issues
- Developmental delays
- Emotional issues
- Mental handicaps
- Physical concerns
- Learning issues
Finding the appropriate assistance for an adult with special needs will first depend on what type of unique needs they might have. For an adult with mental handicaps, especially if they are severe enough to prevent self-care and basic self-skills, you might want to consider a group home, or a day home. These are facilities that are well-equipped to handle adults that might not be able to properly care for themselves full-time, as the case with a group setting, or to simply give them a place to congregate for human interaction during the same – sort of like a day camp for children. Being able to interact with a peer-age group of adults is essential to personal satisfaction, and it also provides a caring environment in which adults can interact without outside influence.
Some states also provide services through Vocational Rehabilitation or Life Skills, which are organizations dedicated to providing assistance for those who might not be able to handle life on their own. This could include individual therapy, employment assistance, job training and courses in how to handle day-to-day tasks, such as paying bills or securing viable housing. If you feel this is an option you want to explore with your adult child, start by speaking with your local cabinet for family services, as they usually work closely with such organizations and community resources.
Adult education is also an option if an adult with special needs was unable to finish a normal high school education. This is a way to provide special education services for adults that need a bit of individualized attention in order to obtain a general education diploma; securing this type of education can be largely beneficial to an adult as they work to gain employment and productivity. If you are unsure as to whether your local area offers such special education services, contact the Board of Education; they will have information regarding adult classes and special services for a number of areas.
You might also want to explore the option of a special needs community, the idea of which is growing in popularity across the country. As it sounds, this is a small community of adults with special needs who live with like-minded individuals under the constant supervision of trained professionals who can assist with a variety of disabilities, no matter what they might be. This gives adults a chance for some semblance of independence without being on their own, where life might become overwhelming. Through special education tutoring of basic life skills and certain educational objectives, an adult with special needs will begin to find their place in the world once more.
Obtaining Special Education Services
Contact your child’s school system while they are still receiving special education services to gather information on the best place to start, and work your way out from there. Check with your child’s therapists and medical professionals, special education tutors and other community resources to determine the best course of action. Having the knowledge is half the battle, and will help you make informed decisions regarding your young adult’s life going forward.
Special Education Resource offers one-on-one lesson plans for those that struggle with education on a daily basis, and can even help work on some basic life skills, as well. Supplemental learning through special education tutoring affords adults with special needs with the ability to continue their education, increase real world skills and assist with entry into college. If the adult with special needs is currently enrolled in classes, we help mold the curriculum being taught into a way that fits with their specific learning needs. Likewise, if the adult is not currently enrolled in classes, we create curriculum to ensure the wanted goals are achieved through special education tutoring.
We are dedicated to special education and all it entails, and tailor-make our lesson plans to fit an individual’s needs on their journey to educational and personal success in life. The first step in special education tutoring is a free consultation with a special education tutor. Whether you’re a parent seeking guidance for your child with special needs nearing adulthood, or an adult with special needs, the consultation call can help answer your questions, offer guidance and assist in creating a plan for success.
Think Differently About Education. We Believe…
We assess your child’s learning style, personality, and interests to pair them with the ideal special ed tutor based on their individual needs.
Through technology and one on one learning, their future path to success can be made clear again.
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