Strategies To Assist In Today’s Math

Strategies To Assist In Todays Math

Math is a very complex process that requires multiple steps.

Math encompasses so much including word problems, fluency, reasoning, and calculations.

For parents, math is a nightmare because the way it is taught now is not the way the parents learned it.

However, the outcome or answer is the same.

There are some basic strategies that can be utilized while working through math problems to help with finding the correct answer. *Please note this is not an all-inclusive list

Math Strategies Specifically For Parents;


The first strategy is RIDE. This strategy is beneficial for students who have trouble with abstract reasoning. When using this strategy, it helps the student solve word problems. RIDE stands for R-remember the problem correctly, I-Identify the relevant information, D-Determine the unit & operations for the answers, E-Enter the correct answers, calculate and recheck.

F.A.S.T. D.R.A.W.

The second strategy is FAST DRAW. This strategy is similar to RIDE and helps solve word problems. FAST DRAW stands for F-Find what you’re solving, A-Ask “What are the problem parts?”, S- Set up the numbers, T-Tie down sign, D-Discover sign, R-Read the problem, A-Answer, or draw and check, W_ Write the answer.

Math Strategies Specifically For Children;

These strategies help improve a student’s mathematical vocabulary;

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Pre-Teach Vocabulary

When using this strategy, representations need to be concrete and pictorial. This helps emphasize the math vocabulary.

Mnemonic Techniques

When using this strategy, this technique allows the student to remember the meaning of the word. It also allows the student to improve their memory of new information.

Key Word Approach

This strategy allows the student to visualize a visor as a keyword.

Additional Math Strategies;


The fourth strategy that is helpful for teaching mathematical concepts is modeling. When using this strategy, it helps to advance thinking and facilitate an understanding of key concepts and structures. When students are allowed to interact with objects (i.e., see, touch), they can engage their senses which creates a better understanding and reasoning of the abstract concepts. If a student is struggling with the physical objects, virtual models may be helpful for them.


The fifth strategy is organizing. Students who understand patterns have a larger repertoire of mathematical knowledge. Patterns are essential for mathematical thinking and problem-solving. When a student is struggling with math concepts, it is beneficial for the student to organize the information contained within the problem because it allows the student to think deeply about each piece of information and allows connections for how all the information fits together.

Thinking Aloud

The sixth strategy is thinking aloud. If a student can verbalize what s/he knows, it allows him/her to clarify and reflect on the problem. When a student is allowed to “think aloud,” s/he can talk through the problem. This can include talking about the reasoning behind the problem/solution, the details of each problem, and the decisions behind why s/he came to a particular answer. This strategy allows the student to work through the process in their own time. This increases the student’s comprehension of the problem.

If, as a parent, you still have difficulty in teaching today’s math… perhaps a Special Needs Tutor could help! We do this every single day and would be more than happy to help your child get back on track!

Do you have any strategies that help in teaching the “new” math? Please leave them in the comments below!


Picture of Amanda Wagoner, MAT

Amanda Wagoner, MAT

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