5 End Of Year Pro Tips For Parents


It is that time of year when it seems like life gets crazy busy!

It starts to feel like there is one thing after another… end of year school programs, exams, sporting events, etc.

When life gets hectic, we often see behaviors start to get a little crazy as well!

5 End Of Year Pro Tips For Parents; Behaviors

Here are some simple tips for keeping behavior in check, even when things get busy.

1. Routine:

Life happens, and schedules get changed from time-to-time, but routine is so important!

Sticking to a structured routine is the best way to try and combat behaviors.

When you have to change the schedule, though, it is so important to prepare your child ahead of time about the changes, using visual tools, can be extremely beneficial!

Some examples include;

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  • A Visual Timer
  • A Picture Schedule

Children feel much better when they feel in control and know what to expect. Giving them a schedule with visuals gives them back control.

2. Logical Consequences:

During times of change and inconsistency, it is so important that our expectations and consequences are consistent. This helps children to know what is expected of them.

Have a plan and stick to it!

By keeping consistent;

  • Consequences
  • Procedures
  • Routines

…children will not be surprised and are less likely to melt down when the schedule and other things change.

3. Audience:

During a serious behavior episode, one of the most effective strategies may be to actually remove other people in the room.

Yes… you read that correctly!

Some behaviors occur because the child wants attention from others.

Sometimes, behaviors could be reduced or completely stopped when the audience is removed. Try to ignore behaviors if you possible (if there is no danger of the child hurting themselves or others).

When life gets busy, it can be easy to feed the behavior by giving attention to it, but if we can try to remove the audience and stay consistent with our plan, behaviors can be reduced.

4. Calm Spot:

When things feel hectic, children often need a specific place to just get away, calm down and take a deep breath.

Have a designated area where your child can go to calm down when behaviors occur. Put some things they enjoy in this space, such as;

  • Stuffed Animals
  • Books
  • Soft Toys
  • Pillows

This spot can be used to prevent behaviors and to give your child a chance to refocus if behaviors occur.

5. Choices:

When things feel out of control in our lives, children often act out. We really need to give them back some control. One powerful, but simple way to do this is to give choices.

When they are able to choose the task and the timeline for completion, they tend to “own” it and are more likely to complete it successfully.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or your child is feeling out of control, try some of these strategies and see if they work.

If you’re still unsure, or these ideas don’t work… there may be a deeper issue causing these behavior issues. Many parents find, academics are the problem and utilize long school breaks to help catch up.

Special education tutoring is a great option as it doesn’t take much time away from family summer fun, but can make a massive impact in preparing for the next school year!

Do you have other ideas for helping to keep balance when life gets busy? If so, let me know below!


Picture of Teresa Stone, M.A.Ed.

Teresa Stone, M.A.Ed.

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