Do you drool over those photos of family holiday memories of your friends in your Facebook and IG stream wishing you had that?
And those elaborate family holiday activities on Pinterest….HA!
Really who has time for those?
Many parents struggle with keeping their children off technology and finding fun and engaging activities to do while they are on winter break.
But you know what it isn’t as hard as you may think.
Think about it…
Have you ever spent hours over choosing a “Perfect” gift for your child only to see them have more fun playing with the box it came in?
Yep, been there done that!
Making holiday memories doesn’t have to be hard or elaborate!
Here are six EASY ways that you and your child can make holiday memories together that are fun and educational.
6 Easy Activities to Make Happy Holiday Memories
#1 Decorate
Children love to decorate for a holiday! There are so many possibilities that they can do.
If your child is Pre-K-1st grade with a little bit of help, they can…
- Color pictures to hang around the house or on the windows (maybe even a stain-glassed look)
- Cut snowflakes to hang from the ceiling
- Decorate hand made ornaments.
- String beads to put on the Christmas tree
Primary grade children can…
- Put the ornaments on the Christmas tree.
- Set up a Christmas village or the Manger on tables.
- Set the table for Christmas dinner with a tablecloth, centerpiece, etc.
Teenagers can…
- Help hang lights inside, out, and on the tree.
- Help put out yard decorations.
- Be appointed “in charge” of the whole decor of the house. Let them draw out a “blueprint” for you to approve.
#2 Talent Show
There are so many possibilities with a talent show. It will be a fun activity for all ages, including adult family members.
Think of the possibilities:
- Family Fun Night– Spend a day or a week preparing and have a fun family activity.
- Neighborhood Talent Show– Involve the whole neighborhood in on the fun.
- Kids Show– where the kids put it together while you are at work and perform it when you get home. They can change up roles and put shows on multiple nights.
Whatever way you choose, this will keep your children busy and excited for days. Not only will they make holiday memories, but they will also build confidence, responsibility, and teamwork.
Here are 11 Unique Talent Show Ideas for Adults and Kids you may want to try. Be sure to break out the camera for these holiday memories you won’t want to forget!
#3 Baking
What kid doesn’t love to bake? But did you know it is a learning activity? Look at all the different ways that baking is educational:
- Reading comprehension
- Math with all the measuring and cooking time
- Following directions
- Science (throwing a bunch of things together for an outcome is an experiment, right?)
You may want to check out these 15 Easy Christmas Cookies to Make with Kids. Some of these may work well with #4 of the holiday memory activities below.
#4 Make Gifts
What better way to spend the holidays than making gifts for the people you love? The best gifts come from the heart and making them are so much more meaningful.
- Have your child make a list of all the people that they want to give gifts to.
- Then have them write what they think they may want for a gift.
- Both of you brainstorm ways that can be handcrafted.
- Assist your child in constructing the custom gift.
Making gifts can be an activity that requires close adult supervision or may be done independently, depending on your child and the present. Here are 45+ ideas of gorgeous gifts kids can make.
#5 Try a Winter Sport
Have your child research various winter sports such as:
- Skiing
- Skating
- Ice hockey
- Sledding
Once they have found one that they think is interesting, try is out! Trying new sports together would also be a great way to bond with your child.
Some sports may require some improvisation and creativity, such as bobsledding. But they will also build confidence and not be just sitting around playing video games all winter.
#6 Try an Indoor Sport
If it’s just too cold outside, try an indoor sport such as:
- Bowling
- Basketball
- Racquetball
- Swimming
- Gymnastics
- Dancing
Just like the winter sport, have your child research different indoor sports that are of interest and give it a try. After your child has tried the sport, help them identify and write about what they liked and didn’t like.
Winter break along with all the holidays thrown in can make it exceptionally hard for parents of children with special needs. Kids are home from school; there are special events to attend; routines are disrupted, which causes even more stress.
Check out the following articles that may also help.
Winter break is also a great time for tutoring!
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Such great reminders! These classic winter activities make a perfect winter break bucket list 🙂
Really great tips! Although our son is just two, we can definitely still incorporate some of these activities with our family members for family night!
These are such simple great ideas to keep kids busy. We’re going to have an ornament making day. I love the idea of getting them involved with making gifts for others.
These are such great traditions. My almost 4 year old was helping decorate the tree with me and helped his dad put up lights around the yard and inside. He was so happy about the whole experience. He just lights up talking about it. Way more memorable than any present, although I’m sure he won’t say no to one.
Great suggestions for activities to do with kids this winter and holiday season. I can’t wait till my daughter is older to try sledding.
The talent show idea sounds like so much fun! My kids worked together and did the decorating this year. They did such a good job!
I love taking the time and decorating with my kids help. I always loved it when I was a child I always wanted my kids to have that.
LOVE LOVE LOVE #1. My mom still hangs my childhood decorations up in our home and I plan to be the same way with my kids once they are older. Its such a great memory maker!