Science is a subject taught in all grade levels and can be taught even to younger children with you reading directions to them. Easy science experiments can be an engaging way to review science material and vocabulary.
Although it can be busy during the school year, summer and winter breaks are great opportunities for you and your child to do some experiments.
I am going to give you directions and examples of a few easy science experiments. As an educator, I have done some of these experiments with my students, and they have loved doing them.
8 Amazingly Easy Science Experiments Kids will Love
Even with easy science experiments, make sure that you and your children are creating a hypothesis.
A hypothesis is an educated guess or a statement suggesting what is going to happen during the experiment. I’ve provided the questions to answer as the hypothesis before you start the experiment.
After completing the experiment, compare the results to your hypothesis.
Elementary School Easy Science Experiments
#1 Ping Pong: Can you get them to float?
Materials needed for this experiment
- Hair Dryer
- Ping Pong Ball
Some questions you may have about this experiment
- Are ping pong balls able to float?
- Are they able to float using a hairdryer?
- If you move the hairdryer or change the settings, what will happen?
- Set the ball on top of your blow dryer.
- Use the questions to help you learn more about ping pong balls.
#2 Bubble Gum Blow Out
Materials needed for this experiment
- Different brands of bubble gum
- Paper and writing utensils to record your findings
The question you may have about this experiment
- Which Bubble Gum makes the biggest bubble?
- Have your child chew and blow bubbles with each brand of bubble gum.
- Compare the size of the bubbles.
- Record which bubble gum blows the biggest bubble.
#2 Testing Out Sound Waves
Materials needed for this experiment
- 5 glasses
- Water
- Popsicle Stick
A question to find out during the experiment
- Do water levels impact sound?
- Fill the glasses up with different amounts of water.
- Hit the side of each glass with a popsicle stick.
- Record what you hear.
Middle School Easy Science Experiments
#1 Charcoal Purification Experiment
- Ever wondered if your filtration system worked well?
- The Homeschool Scientists have developed a science experiment using charcoal that could help to purify your water.
- Check out these easy science experiments details here: Charcoal Purification Experiment
#2 Caffeine and its Impact on Plant Growth
- Caffeine is something most children and adults have access to during the week.
- As a middle school student, your child could study the impact that caffeine can have on plant growth.
- Check out the details for these easy science experiments here: Caffeine’s Impact on Plant Growth
#3 Apple Browning Prevention Experiment
Materials needed for this experiment
- An Apple
- 4 Plastic Bowls
- Baking Soda
- Vinegar
- Milk
- Lemon Juice
Some questions you may have about this experiment
- How quickly do apples turn brown?
- Does anything affect how quickly the apples turn brown?
- Using the materials listed, your child will place one or two apple slices in each of the five bowls.
- One bowl will not have anything on the apples.
- Using the rest of the materials, sprinkle or squirt the item onto the apples.
- Leave the apples out for a few days
- Observe and take notes.
High School Easy Science Experiments
#1 Bacteria Experiment
- Bacteria is everywhere. In your home, you can test what is growing and how much bacteria is growing within your home.
- Materials needed:
- Petri dishes
- Cotton swabs
- Gloves
- An agar solution
- This kind of experiment may take several days.
- See the basic instructions here: Bacteria Science Experiments
#2 Lemon Light Bulb- Can a lemon power a light bulb?
Materials needed for this experiment
- 4 Lemons
- Low Voltage LED Lightbulb
- Copper wire
- Galvanized nails
- Electrical wires
- Roll and squeeze all of your lemons.
- Place a nail and strip of the copper wire in each of your lemons.
- Using electrical wire, connect the nail to the copper wire in another lemon.
- In your first lemon, connect the copper to the long leg of the LED light.
- In the last lemon, connect the nail to the shorter end of the LED light.
- YOU Should have light!
Science is a subject that many students enjoy because it can be engaging and fun. As a parent, I would take advantage of when you can try some of these easy science experiments listed. All of these experiments should be completed with an adult and can be adapted for different ages.
More Resources
Here are a few Special Education Resources for science you can work on together at home.
- How STEM Education Can Help Children With Special Needs
- 3 Incredible Science Strategies
- Educational Resources Online
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These are fun ideas to get kids excited about science. It is nice to have some projects to do at home.
I loved doing this type of thing with my kids when they were younger. Science was always my favorite subject in school.
Several years ago, when I was a horseback riding instructor, I held summer camps. We always did a few science experiments along with some “old time” experiments. These would have been great to have.
This is so fabulous! As a child, I LOVED science experiments, and I always entered the school’s science experiments. Testing Out Sound Waves is one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful ideas!