How Hyperdocs Will Improve Your Students Learning

How Hyperdocs Will Improve Your Students Learning

Technology is growing more rapidly than ever. It is essential as a teacher to learn, move, and grow with it. Of course, this is all while keeping the students’ safety and confidentiality at the forefront of everything they do. One way to engage students through the use of technology is by using hyperdocs.

How Hyperdocs Will Improve Your Students Learning  

Many teachers across the US are facing the challenge of learning to adapt their classrooms to work virtually.  Hyperdocs will work in a classroom setting, but even more so with a virtual learning setting.

Advantages of Using Hyperdocs

A hyperdoc is much more than a digital worksheet. Using hyperdocs in a classroom allows for a transformation in learning. This is because hyperdocs are interactive online docs that will lead to personalized instruction.

The advantages of using hyperdocs as a learning strategy include: 

  • Inspiring
  • Teaching
  • Learning
  • Sharing ideas/information
  • Connecting
  • Telling stories

 Hyperdocs allows students to be:

  • Creative
  • Collaborative
  • Critical thinkers
  • Communicators  


Essential Parts of a Hyperdoc


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#1 Strong Lesson

A hyperdoc must have a strong lesson design. The lesson should organize the instructional content in a way that leads to student engagement. This will allow the teacher to have more time to work with small groups.  

#2 Links for Collaboration

Hyperdocs should include embedded links to promote collaboration. Students will share these links before, during, or after an assignment. 

#3 Product creation

There should be an assignment to create a product. Product creation allows the student to take the lead role in the lesson. This is a great way to show what they know.  

#4 Application

Another essential piece of a hyperdoc is application. Students need to reflect on their learning. The process should allow the students to apply what they have learned. Once the students do that, they can connect what they have learned to other subject areas, topics, and the real world.  

Points to Consider When Creating Hyperdocs

Some important things to consider when creating a hyperdoc include: 

  • Are the students allowed to explore first?
  • Will the lesson include the 4 C’s? 
    • Creativity
    • Collaboration
    • Communication
    • Critical thinking
  • To what extent is the level of critical thinking and technology applied in the lesson? 

The Structure

Once you start to create the hyperdoc, it is important to follow this structure:

  • Objective(s)
  • Desired Outcomes
  • Determine Learning Cycle (tools to be utilized):
  • Which Google App will you utilize to package the hyperdoc?
  • Workflow determination
  • Design Hyperdoc
  • Evaluate

Make the Most of Your Hyperdocs 


Make a template-

After creating your first hyperdoc, make a copy. This way, you already have a template. In the future, all you will need to do is adapt it to use with a new lesson plan.  

Set aside time for reflection-

After using this with students, it is important to set aside time for student reflection. The students should reflect on the process, activity, and self-directed lesson.  


Additional Strategies to Help You Succeed as a Special Education Professional


Hyperdocs allow for personalized instruction and learning to occur. It will meet all students where they are. It will also provide specific feedback to the teacher to know what students are struggling with and what part of the lesson. Balance is the key to hyperdocs.  

Have you used hyperdocs in your classroom? Please share your experience with us! 


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How Hyperdocs Will Improve Your Students Learning
Using hyperdocs is a great way to use technology to personalize learning to each student. Improve your students learning this year by using this technology!

Picture of Amanda Wagoner, MAT

Amanda Wagoner, MAT

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