Chances are you’ve heard your child’s teacher stress the importance of having your child read every night. Reading with your child daily will help to improve reading comprehension.
The minimum amount of time that most teachers will suggest is 20 minutes every night. With our world-changing daily, this predictable routine can…
- Build children’s literacy stamina
- Reading comprehension skills
- Provide comfort and bonding time
As your child’s personal guide through their literacy journey, it’s essential to ask questions that get your child involved with what they are reading. This will encourage them to formulate their own ideas about the text!
Below are some engaging questions to ask your child when you are reading with them.
Questions to Improve Reading Comprehension
1. Start With Simple Reading Comprehension Questions
Before you begin asking higher-order, inferential questions, it’s necessary to ensure that your child has a solid understanding of the text itself.
Asking simple comprehension questions can also allow you to sort out any misconceptions your child might have about the text. Once you’re positive that your reader has a surface level understanding of what they’re reading, you can then move on to some of the more challenging questions.
I like to think of simple reading comprehension questions as “wh” questions.
For example:
- Who is the main character?
- Where does the story take place?
- What problem does the main character need help with?
- Why did the character say that?
These simple reading comprehension questions will be the stepping stones to inferential questions.
2. Explanation Reading Questions
The next set of questions you’ll want to ask your child are questions that encourage them to explain what is happening in the text. This type of question will allow your child to have a sense of ownership over the text, as well as recall important information.
Some explanation questions include:
- Explain what the main idea of the story is.
- Tell me why the main character did that.
- Describe the main character.
3. Choice reading questions
Encouraging your child to agree or disagree with what is happening in the text encourages them to think independently and formulate their own ideas about what they are reading.
Choice questions engage the student with the text. They will push your child to synthesize their own opinions and background knowledge with what they are reading.
Some choice questions include
- Would you have done what the character just did? Why or why not?
- Do you think that was a good or bad idea?
Sometimes multiple choice questions can feel confusing. Teach your child to first eliminate answers they know are not correct. Then, choose between the answers that are left.
When asking choice questions, push your child to support their ideas with explanations and evidence from the text.
4. Creative Reading Comprehension Strategy
Once you are positive that your child has a solid understanding of the text and can formulate their own opinions about what they are reading, they can be pushed even further!
Encourage your child to make something based on what they’ve read.
Examples for Younger students
- Draw a picture of what they’ve read
- Dictate a different ending to the story.
- Create a diorama
- Act out their favorite part of the book
- Create a wanted poster of the villain
Examples for Older Students
- Write an alternative ending for the story
- Write a sequel to the story
- Do a book review for the school paper or online review site
- Write a prequel to the story (this helps them understand why the characters did what they did)
Reading with your child can be fun when reading is engaging and interesting to them.
Additional Reading Comprehension Resources
By allowing them to choose what they are reading and asking questions that encourage them to interact with the text, you are helping them see books as FUN.
This is much better than feeling like a punishment or something their teacher requires them to do. Happy reading!!
Check out the below resources for added reading strategies:
- Join one of our SER Book Club sessions!
- How to Instill the Love of Reading in Your Child
- Super Simple Trick For Children Who Struggle With Reading
- Assistive Reading Tools
- Reading Strategies Made Simple
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