Simple Acts of Kindness Activities for Kids

Group of diverse kids smiling together after they engaged in kindness activities for kids.

Imagine it’s a bright Saturday morning. You’re at the park with your child, watching them play. As you sit on the bench, sipping your coffee, you watch this transpire: 

A little boy, not much older than your own, is struggling to climb a slide. His movements are awkward. You recognize this because your child faces similar challenges.

Then, your child approaches the boy. There’s a moment of hesitation, a silent exchange that only children understand. 

With a gentle smile, your child extends a hand, helping the boy climb the slide. You hold your breath, a lump forming in your throat. 

It’s a simple act, but it feels monumental.

This moment, brief and beautiful, is a reminder. This is a reminder that kindness is innate. Regardless of their abilities, our children have an immense capacity for empathy and support. 

These small acts of kindness can bridge gaps and turn an ordinary day into a memory that warms the heart.

As parents, especially of children with special needs, we’re often caught up in therapies, schedules, and education plans. 

But this scene at the park whispers a powerful message: sometimes, the most impactful lessons are those our children teach us without even realizing it.

In this spirit, let’s explore simple acts of kindness activities that can nurture this inherent compassion in our children, making their world and ours a little brighter.

Why Kindness Matters

Kindness is like a seed that grows into something beautiful. When children and teens practice kindness, especially those with special needs, they are not just making someone else happy. They are also helping themselves in many ways.

– Growing Friendships: 

Just like a plant needs water to grow, friendships need kindness. When your child is kind, it helps them make friends more easily. This is really important because friends make us feel less alone and more understood.

– Boosting Confidence: 

Think of kindness as a superpower. Every time your child does something kind, they feel good about themselves. It’s like they’re earning invisible badges of confidence. This is especially helpful for children who might feel different sometimes.

– Learning to Understand Feelings: 

Kindness is like a special language that helps your child understand how others feel. When they are kind, they learn to see the world through someone else’s eyes. This is a big step in understanding emotions and being empathetic.

– Building a Happy Heart: 

Just like exercise makes our bodies strong, kindness makes our hearts happy. When your child is kind, it’s like giving their heart a little workout, making them feel happier and more at peace.

– Creating a Ripple Effect: 

Kindness is contagious. When your child is kind to someone, that person feels good and might be kind to someone else. It’s like throwing a small pebble in a pond and watching the ripples spread far and wide.

So, kindness is not just about being nice to others. It’s a powerful tool that helps your child build strong friendships, feel good about themselves, understand others better, be happier, and spread joy around them. 

According to the Mayo Clinic kindness is even beneficial to your health. Let’s help our kids plant these seeds of kindness every day!

#1 Sharing Smiles

Smiling is like sunshine. It brightens up everyone’s day, including your child’s! Here’s a fun and easy activity to teach them about sharing smiles.

– Step 1: Talk About the Power of a Smile

Start by sitting down with your child and talking about smiles. You can say, “Do you know that your smile is like a superpower? It can make you and others feel really happy!”

Show them pictures of people smiling and discuss how seeing a smile makes them feel.

– Step 2: Practice Smiling in the Mirror

Stand with your child in front of a mirror. Say, “Let’s practice our superpower smiles!”

Make it a game. See who can hold their smile the longest or make the silliest smile.

– Step 3: Smile Scavenger Hunt

Create a simple scavenger hunt. Make a list of people your child sees often, like a sibling, a neighbor, or a teacher.

Challenge them to share their smile with each person on the list. They can tick off each person after they’ve shared a smile.

– Step 4: Reflect on Smiling

Talk to your child about the scavenger hunt. Ask them, “How did it feel to share your smile? How did people react?”

Celebrate their achievements with a small reward or a high-five.

– Step 5: Make it a Daily Habit

Encourage your child to share smiles every day. You can create a smile chart where they can add a sticker each time they remember to share a smile.

This activity makes your child more aware of the power of their smile and helps them recognize the importance of acknowledging others. It’s a simple act but can significantly impact their social skills and overall happiness.

#2 Creating Kindness Cards

Kindness cards are little notes that spread big smiles. This craft activity is about making and sharing cards with positive messages. It’s perfect for helping kids creatively express kindness.

Materials Needed:

  • Colored paper or cardstock
  • Markers, crayons, or colored pencils
  • Stickers, glitter, or any fun decorations (optional)
  • Envelopes (optional)

– Step 1: Set Up Your Crafting Area

Lay out all the materials on a table. Make sure there’s enough space for your child to work comfortably.

Join in the fun! Crafting together can be a great bonding experience.

– Step 2: Brainstorm Kind Messages

Start by talking about kind words and what they mean. Ask your child, “What nice things can we say to make someone smile?”

Write down a list of simple, kind messages. Some ideas could be: 

  • “You are awesome!”
  • “Your smile brightens my day.”
  • “Thank you for being you.”

– Step 3: Create the Cards

Encourage your child to pick a piece of paper and fold it into a card.

Ask them to choose a message from the list or develop their own. 

They can write the message inside the card.

Let them decorate the outside of the card with drawings, stickers, or whatever they like. 

Creativity is key!

– Step 4: Share the Kindness Cards

Once the cards are ready, think of people who might appreciate a kind message. It could be family members, friends, teachers, or even neighbors.

Help your child hand out the cards in person or put them in envelopes to mail or leave in a special place for the recipient to find.

– Step 5: Reflect on the Activity

After sharing the cards, talk with your child about the experience. 

Ask them, “How did it feel to give your kindness cards? How do you think the people who received them felt?”

This activity fosters creativity and teaches your child about empathy and the joy of giving. 

Creating and sharing kindness cards can have a lasting impact on both the receiver and the giver.

#3 Helping Hands at Home

Kindness begins at home, and kids can show it in many ways through simple acts of help. 

Here are some ideas for tasks children of different ages and abilities can do around the house to spread kindness.

– For Younger Kids (Ages 3-6):

  • Clean-Up Toys: After playtime, they can put their toys back in their place.
  • Feed a Pet: They can help put food in the pet’s bowl with supervision.
  • Water Plants: Give them a small watering can to water indoor plants.
  • Wipe Tables: They can help wipe down low tables or surfaces with a damp cloth.
  • Deliver Messages: They can be the family messenger, like telling a sibling it’s dinner time.

– For Kids (Ages 7-10):

  • Set the Table: They can help set the table for meals.
  • Help with Laundry: Assist in sorting clothes by color or folding towels.
  • Simple Cooking Tasks: Help with washing vegetables or stirring ingredients.
  • Take Out Recycling: They can help sort and take out recycling.
  • Make Beds: Teach them to make their bed or help with siblings’ beds.

– For Preteens and Teens (Ages 11 and Up):

  • Prepare a Simple Meal: Like making sandwiches for lunch or helping with dinner prep.
  • Vacuum or Sweep Floors: They can handle simple vacuuming or sweeping tasks.
  • Assist with Grocery Shopping: Help make the shopping list or assist in the store.
  • Yard Work: Raking leaves, weeding, or helping with gardening.
  • Organize Spaces: Help organize a bookshelf, closet, or family area.

Remember, the goal is to encourage acts of kindness, not just to get chores done. 

Praise your child’s efforts and let them know how their help makes a positive difference in the home. 

This reinforces the value of teamwork and caring within the family.

#4 Community Contribution

Kindness doesn’t have to stay inside our homes; it can spread throughout our community. 

Here are some ideas for how kids can contribute to their local community and tips for parents to facilitate and support these activities.

Ideas for Kids to Contribute to the Community:

– Helping a Neighbor:

Offer to help an elderly neighbor with light tasks like carrying groceries or walking their dog. 

Kids can help neighbors by cleaning up their yard or helping with outdoor chores.

– Participating in Local Events:

Join community clean-up days or tree-planting events. Participate in charity walks or fun runs that support good causes.

– Volunteering at Local Organizations:

Visit a local animal shelter and help with simple tasks. Assist at a food bank or a community kitchen if age-appropriate.

– Creating Care Packages:

Put together care packages for homeless shelters or nursing homes.

Include items like socks, non-perishable snacks, and handwritten notes of encouragement.

– Organizing a Donation Drive:

Organize a drive in your neighborhood to collect books, clothes, or toys for those in need.

Kids can help sort the items and learn about the importance of giving.

Tips for Parents:

  • Start with a Conversation: Talk to your child about the needs in your community and how they can help.
  • Choose Age-Appropriate Activities: Pick activities suitable for your child’s age and abilities.
  • Plan Together: Involve your child in the planning process. It could be deciding what to include in care packages or picking a charity to support.
  • Lead by Example: Participate with them. Your involvement shows them the importance of community contribution.
  • Celebrate Their Efforts: Acknowledge their efforts and discuss the impact of their kindness on the community.

Community contribution helps those in need and instills a sense of responsibility and connection in children. 

By participating in these activities, kids learn valuable life lessons about empathy, teamwork, and the power of community.

#5 Kindness Through Words

Words can lift someone’s spirits and make their day brighter. Encouraging kids to use kind words is a simple yet impactful way to spread kindness. 

Here’s how to teach them the art of expressing kindness verbally.

– The Magic of “Please” and “Thank You”

Start with the basics: saying “please” when asking for something and “thank you” when receiving help or a gift.

Role-play scenario: 

Pretend to be a shopkeeper or a librarian. Let your child practice asking for things with “please” and responding with “thank you.”

– Giving Compliments

Teach your child the joy of giving compliments. Explain that compliments are like gifts that don’t cost anything but can make someone happy.

Examples of compliments: 

  • “I like your drawing! 
  • It’s so colorful.”
  • “You’re really good at solving puzzles!”

Role-play scenario: 

Have a ‘Compliment Day’ at home where everyone gives at least one compliment to each family member.

– Words of Encouragement

Encourage your child to use words to help someone feel better, especially if they are sad or struggling.


  • “You can do it!” 
  • “I’m here for you.”

Role-play scenario: 

Act out a situation where a friend is feeling down or facing a challenge. Guide your child on how to offer comforting and encouraging words.

– Apologizing When Necessary

Teach them the importance of saying “I’m sorry,” when they’ve made a mistake or hurt someone’s feelings.

Role-play scenario: 

Create a situation where an apology is needed, like accidentally breaking a toy. Help them practice a sincere apology.

– Expressing Gratitude

Encourage them to express gratitude for gifts and acts of kindness, time spent together, or lessons learned.

Role-play scenario: 

Have a ‘Gratitude Moment’ at dinner where each person shares something they are grateful for about another family member.

Through these exercises, kids will learn that their words can positively impact others and themselves. Teaching them to express kindness through words is a valuable lesson in empathy and communication.

#6 Incorporating Kindness into Daily Routine

Making kindness a part of everyday life helps children develop a habit of caring and empathy. 

Here are some tips to seamlessly integrate acts of kindness into your child’s daily routine, followed by a list of fun and simple activities.

Tips for Parents:

Lead by Example: Show kindness in your daily actions. Children learn a lot by watching their parents.

Create a Kindness Calendar: Have a monthly calendar with a small act of kindness for each day.

Praise Kind Acts: When you see your child being kind, praise them. This reinforces their good behavior.

Discuss Kindness: Regularly talk about the importance of kindness and how it makes others feel.

Make It a Family Affair: Involve the whole family in acts of kindness. This shows that kindness is a shared value.

Daily Kindness Activities:

– Morning Smile Exchange 

Start each day with a big smile for each family member. It’s a simple way to spread positivity first thing in the morning.

– Compliment Jar 

Keep a jar in the living room where everyone can drop in written compliments about each other. Read them out loud weekly.

– Kind Words Post-It Notes

Encourage your child to write positive post-it notes and stick them on a family’ kindness board’ or in unexpected places like a sibling’s book.

– Goodnight Gratitude 

End each day by sharing one thing you’re grateful for about each other. This practice encourages reflection and gratitude.

– Being Kind to Our Neighbors 

Encourage your child to greet neighbors warmly or perform small, spontaneous acts of kindness, like picking up mail for them.

– Encouragement Notes in Lunch Boxes

Slip notes of encouragement or love into your child’s lunchbox or backpack. It’s a sweet surprise that can brighten their day.

– Kindness to Nature 

Teach your child to care for nature by not littering, gently handling bugs, and respecting plants and animals during outdoor activities.

Incorporating these activities into daily routines makes kindness a habit and turns everyday moments into opportunities for learning and bonding.

The Ripple Effect of Kindness

It’s important to remember that every small gesture counts. Kindness spreads far beyond the initial act, like a ripple in a pond. 

By teaching our children to be kind, we are enriching their lives and touching the lives of those around us.

These activities are just the beginning. A whole world of kindness is out there, waiting to be discovered and shared. 

As you and your child embark on this journey, remember that every smile, every kind word, and every act of help makes a difference.

We would love to hear about your experiences with these kindness activities! 

  • Which ones did your child enjoy the most? 
  • Did you notice any changes in their behavior or attitude? 
  • Do you have your own unique ideas for spreading kindness? 

Sharing your stories can inspire and encourage other families on their own journey of kindness.

Additional Parenting Resources 


Picture of Shannah Holt

Shannah Holt

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