Rhyming words are important in child development as a foundation for language acquisition, phonemic awareness, and early reading skills. They also help enhance memory, understand language patterns, and foster a love for reading and language.
How can rhyming word activities be tailored to suit your child’s learning style, ensuring they learn effectively and have fun? Recognizing that each child absorbs information differently, catering to their learning style is crucial.
What are the 4 Main Learning Styles?
- Visual learners thrive on imagery and spatial understanding.
- Auditory learners excel with sound and music.
- Kinesthetic learners benefit from movement and hands-on activities.
- Reading/writing learners respond well to textual information and writing tasks.
Let’s explore various fun rhyming activities, each tailored to align with these distinct learning styles, ensuring that every child can engage, learn, and grow in the way that suits them best.
Rhyming Word Activities for Visual Learners
Each of these activities leverages the strengths of visual learners, using imagery, visual sorting, and creative visual expression to reinforce rhyming skills.
#1 Rhyming Word Flashcards
- Description: Using rhyming picture cards, children match a pair of cards that rhyme.
- Materials: A set of flash cards with rhyming pictures.
- Guide:
- Show the child a flashcard.
- Ask them to find another card from the pile that rhymes with the first.
- Repeat with a different set of cards to reinforce rhyming pairs.
#2 Rhyming Word Picture Books
- Description: Young children use picture books with rhyming words.
- Materials: Picture books with rhyming words.
- Guide:
- Read a page or show a picture to the child.
- Ask them to point out or name objects in the picture that rhyme.
- Discuss why these words rhyme.
#3 Rhyming Word Puzzles
- Description: Puzzles where each piece contains a word. Children complete it by connecting rhyming word sets.
- Materials: Rhyming word puzzles like these printable ones.
- Guide:
- Scatter puzzle pieces on a flat surface.
- Instruct the child to connect pieces that rhyme.
- Help them as needed to find rhyming pairs.
#4 Magnetic Rhyming Words
- Description: Using a magnetic board with word magnets, children arrange the magnets to create rhyming pairs.
- Materials: Magnetic board and word magnets. You can make these yourself by laminating flashcards or printed words and stick a magnet on the back.
- Guide:
- Spread out the word magnets on the board.
- Ask the child to pick a word and find another magnet that rhymes with it.
- Continue with different words, forming rhyming pairs.
#5 Rhyming Word Sticker Activity
- Description: Children use stickers with words and pictures to find a rhyming match on a board or paper.
- Materials: Sheets of stickers with words and pictures, large paper or board.
- Guide:
- Give the child a sheet of stickers and the paper or board.
- Instruct them to stick words that rhyme next to each other.
- Encourage them to explain why they think the words rhyme.
#6 Rhyming Word Sorting Activity
- Description: Children sort objects or cards into groups based on rhyming words using labeled bins or areas on a table.
- Materials: Labeled bins or marked areas, objects, or rhyming cards.
- Guide:
- Place the objects or rhyming cards near the bins or areas.
- Ask the child to sort them into the bins or areas based on rhyming words.
- Discuss the rhymes they’ve sorted.
#7 Rhyming Word Photography Challenge
- Description: Combines photography with rhyming, where children take photos of objects that rhyme and create a collage.
- Materials: Camera or smartphone, materials for a collage.
- Guide:
- Explain the concept and give examples of rhyming objects.
- Let the child take photos of objects that rhyme.
- Create a collage with these photos and discuss the rhymes.
#8 Rhyming Word Picture Match
- Description: Children match pictures of things that rhyme using pictures instead of words.
- Materials: Picture cards.
- Guide:
- Lay out all the picture cards.
- Have the child find and match pictures that rhyme.
- Discuss each pair and why they rhyme.
#9 Rhyming Word Pictionary
- Description: Players draw a word, and others guess it. Once guessed, they must come up with a rhyming word.
- Materials: Paper, pens, word list.
- Guide:
- One player draws a word from the list.
- They draw it on paper without speaking.
- Others guess the word and then come up with a rhyming word.
#10 Rhyming Word Art Project
- Description: Children draw or paint images representing rhyming words, then share and discuss their work.
- Materials: Art supplies (paint, markers, paper, etc).
- Guide:
- Assign or let children choose pairs of rhyming words.
- They create art based on these words.
- Share and discuss the artwork and the rhymes it represents.
#11 Rhyming Memory Game (with visual cues)
- Description: A memory game where players turn over cards to find matching pairs of rhyming pictures.
- Materials: Memory game cards with pictures.
- Guide:
- Lay out the cards face down in a grid.
- Players take turns flipping over two cards at a time.
- If the images on the cards rhyme, the player keeps the pair and takes another turn.
- Continue until they have matched all pairs. The player with the most pairs wins.
#12 Tactile Rhyming Word Boards
- Description: Boards with tactile representations of words, where children feel the boards and guess the rhyming pairs.
- Materials: Boards with raised letters or textures representing different words.
- Guide:
- Present a tactile board to the child.
- Let them feel and identify the word or texture.
- Ask them to find another board with a word or texture that rhymes.
#13 Interactive Rhyming Word Board Games
- Description: Board games designed to incorporate rhyming words into gameplay.
- Materials: Customized board games with rhyming word elements.
- Guide:
- Set up the board game according to its rules.
- As players move around the board, they encounter challenges or tasks that involve finding or creating rhyming words.
- Players complete these tasks to advance in the game.
I found loads of these here on Teachers Pay Teachers.
#14 Gesture Rhyming Games
- Description: Players use gestures or body movements to represent rhyming words.
- Materials: None.
- Guide:
- One player thinks of a word and acts it out using gestures.
- The other players guess the word.
- Once guessed correctly, the next player acts out a word that rhymes with it.
These activities encourage active engagement with rhyming words while listening and verbalizing rhymes. This supports the development of phonological awareness skills by identifying sound patterns.
Rhyming Words Activities For Auditory Learners
Each of these activities caters to auditory learners, using sound, rhythm, and spoken language to engage children in learning about rhyming words in a fun way that resonates with their learning style.
#1 Rhyming Word Audio Stories
- Description: Children listen to stories where rhyming words are used prominently, identifying the rhymes as they hear them.
- Materials: Audio recordings of stories, headphones, or speakers
- Guide:
- Play an audio story for the child.
- Pause at intervals to ask them to identify the rhyming words they heard.
- Discuss the rhymes and their meanings.
Here are a playlist I found of rhyming stories for kids.
#2 Sound-Based Rhyming Memory Game
- Description: A memory game using sound clips of words where children match rhyming sounds.
- Materials: Audio recordings of words, a playback device.
- Guide:
- Play two sound clips in succession.
- Ask the child to indicate if the words in the clips rhyme.
- Repeat with different pairs of sound clips.
#3 Rhyming Word Music Composition
- Description: Children create simple melodies or rhythms and incorporate rhyming words into their compositions.
- Materials: Musical instruments or music apps.
- Guide:
- Encourage the child to come up with a simple melody or rhythm.
- Have them think of and integrate rhyming words into the rhythm.
- Share and discuss the musical rhymes they created.
Call these raps to get kids interested.
#4 Rhyme and Rhythm Exercise
- Description: Combining physical movement with rhyming, where children create rhymes in time with music.
- Materials: Music player, selection of songs with distinct rhythms.
- Guide:
- Play a song with a clear beat.
- Ask the child to listen to the rhythm and develop rhyming words that fit into that rhythm.
- They can clap or tap to the rhythm as they say the rhymes.
#5 Echo Rhyming Game
- Description: An interactive game where one person says a word, and the child repeats the word and adds a rhyming word.
- Materials: None.
- Guide:
- Say a word aloud to the child.
- The child echoes the word and adds another word that rhymes with it.
- Continue back and forth, creating a chain of rhyming words.
#6 Interactive Rhyming Word Quizzes
- Description: Quiz games focusing on rhyming words, where children listen to questions and answer with rhymes.
- Materials: Quiz questions, a device to record or present questions.
- Guide:
- Play or read aloud a quiz question that involves rhyming.
- The child listens and responds with the correct rhyming word or phrase.
- Offer feedback and encourage discussion on the rhymes.
#7 Rhyming Word Riddles
- Description: Riddles where the answer involves finding or creating rhyming words.
- Materials: Prepared riddles.
- Guide:
- Read a riddle aloud to the child.
- Allow them time to think and answer with rhyming words.
- Discuss the answer and why it rhymes.
Here are some rhyming riddles to get you started.
#8 Rhyme and Rap Battle
- Description: Children create short raps or poems using rhyming words.
- Materials: None or a device for recording.
- Guide:
- Encourage the child to think of a topic.
- They create a rap or poem on that topic, focusing on using rhyming words.
- Perform or record their own rhymes.
#9 Rhyming Word Storytelling Circle
- Description: A group activity where each participant adds a sentence to a story, ending with a rhyming word.
- Materials: None.
- Guide:
- Start a story with a sentence that ends in a rhyme.
- The following person continues the story, adding a sentence that rhymes with the previous one.
- Continue around the circle, building a rhyming story.
#10 Rhyming Word Relay (Auditory Cues)
- Description: A relay race where participants must listen to a word and then say a rhyming word before passing the baton.
- Materials: Baton or relay item, list of words.
- Guide:
- Form teams and line up for the relay.
- The first person in each team listens to a word said by the facilitator.
- Before they can run, they must say a word that rhymes.
- After saying a rhyming word, they run to a designated point and back, then pass the baton.
#11 Sing-Along Rhyming Songs
- Description: Children learn and sing songs with prominent rhyming schemes.
- Materials: Lyrics of rhyming songs, music playback device.
- Guide:
- Play a song and provide the child with the lyrics.
- Encourage them to sing along, focusing on the rhymes in the lyrics.
- Discuss the rhyming words in the song after singing.
#12 Rhyming Word Charades (Auditory Cues)
- Description: Players act out a word silently while others guess. The rhyming word must follow the guess.
- Materials: None.
- Guide:
- One player acts out a word without speaking.
- Others guess the word.
- Upon a correct guess, the guesser must then say a word that rhymes with the acted word.

Rhyming Words Activities for Kinesthetic Learners
Each activity engages kinesthetic learners by incorporating physical movement and hands-on experiences to make learning about rhyming words enjoyable and effective.
#1 Rhyming Word Hop
- Description: Children hop from one word to another that rhymes, using physical movement to learn.
- Materials: Word cards or mats placed on the floor
- Guide:
- Lay out word cards or mats in a scattered manner.
- The child hops to a word, reads it aloud, and then hops to a word that rhymes with it.
- Continue the hopping and rhyming sequence for several rounds.
#2 Rhyme Tag
- Description: In this tag variation, when a child is tagged, they must say a rhyming word before they can start running again.
- Materials: None.
- Guide:
- One child is ‘it’ and chases others.
- When a child is tagged, they must quickly say a word that rhymes with a predetermined word.
- Once a rhyme is said, the tagged child can run again.
#3 Rhyming Obstacle Course
- Description: An obstacle course where, at each station, the child says a word that rhymes with a given word before moving on.
- Materials: Obstacle course setup, word cards at each station.
- Guide:
- Set up an obstacle course with various stations.
- At each station, place a word card.
- As the child completes each obstacle, they read the word and say a rhyming word before moving to the next station.
#4 Rhyming Word Dance Party
- Description: A dance party where, when the music stops, children quickly find a partner and say a pair of rhyming words.
- Materials: Music player, selection of songs
- Guide:
- Start the music and let the children dance.
- Periodically stop the music.
- When the music stops, children pair up, each saying a rhyming word pair.
#5 Rhyming Simon Says
- Description: A version of Simon Says where the commands given must rhyme.
- Materials: None.
- Guide:
- The leader says, “Simon says…” followed by a rhyming command (e.g., “Touch your nose, now stand on your toes”).
- Children follow the commands that rhyme.
- If a command doesn’t rhyme with “Simon says,” children should not follow it.
#6 Rhyming Word Skits
- Description: Children perform short skits or role-plays that include dialogue with rhyming words.
- Materials: Script ideas or themes, props as needed.
- Guide:
- Assign a theme or script that includes rhymes.
- Children practice and then perform the skit, focusing on the rhyming dialogue.
- Encourage creativity in the performance.
#7 Rhyming Word Relay Races
- Description: Relay races where participants must say a rhyming word at each relay point
- Materials: Baton or relay item, list of words at each relay point
- Guide:
- Set up relay points with a list of words.
- Divide the children into small groups.
- Teams run the relay, stopping at each point to say a word that rhymes with the one listed.
- Once a rhyme is said, they continue to the next point.
#8 Rhyming Balloon Bounce
- Description: Keeping balloons in the air while shouting out rhyming words.
- Materials: Balloons, word list
- Guide:
- Inflate balloons and write words on them.
- Children keep the balloons in the air while shouting out words that rhyme with the word on the balloon.
#9 Rhyming Jump Rope
- Description: A jump rope activity where children say a rhyming word each time they jump.
- Materials: Jump ropes
- Guide:
- Give each child a jump rope.
- As they jump rope, they say a word.
- On the next jump, they must say a word that rhymes with the previous one.
- Continue the sequence for as long as they can keep jumping.
#10 Rhyming Word Craft
- Description: Children create crafts based on rhyming words, like making a star from a jar or a boat from a goat.
- Materials: Various craft supplies (paper, glue, scissors, markers, etc.), templates, or examples of rhyming objects
- Guide:
- Provide examples or ideas of objects that rhyme.
- Let children choose their pair of rhyming words.
- They create crafts representing each word in the rhyming pair.
- Share and discuss the rhymes through the crafts.
This also requires children to use scissors for cutting, glue for assembling, and other craft tools, enhancing fine motor skills.
#11 Rhyming Bingo
- Description: A bingo game but with rhyming words instead of numbers.
- Materials: Bingo cards with words, markers, or chips
- Guide:
- Distribute bingo cards to the children.
- Call out words that rhyme with the words on their bingo cards.
- Children mark off words that rhyme with the called word.
- The first to complete a line or pattern shouts, “Bingo!”
Create bingo cards with words from specific word families. A word family is a group of words with a common feature or pattern, such as the “-at” family (cat, bat, hat).
Using word families can help children understand phonemic patterns and improve their reading skills by recognizing them. Children can identify rhyming words within the same family on their bingo cards as words are called out.
#12 Create-a-Rhyme Storytime
- Description: An interactive activity where children create their own stories using as many rhyming words as possible.
- Materials: Paper, pens, a space for children to perform
- Guide:
- Each child thinks of a story idea.
- They write a short story or narrative that includes a series of rhyming words.
- Children then share their stories with the group, emphasizing the rhymes.
#13 Rhyming Word Treasure Hunt
- Description: An indoor or outdoor treasure hunt where each clue involves finding an object that rhymes with the given word.
- Materials: Clues, objects, or images to find
- Guide:
- Set up a treasure hunt with clues leading to various objects.
- Each clue should rhyme with the object they need to find.
- Children follow the rhymes to find each item and eventually the ‘treasure.’
Rhyming Words Activities for Reading and Writing Learners
These activities are specifically designed for reading/writing learners, emphasizing the use of written language and text-based exercises to explore and understand rhyming words.
#1 Rhyming Memory Game (with written words)
- Description: A memory game using cards with written words. Players find matching word pairs that rhyme.
- Materials: Cards with written words.
- Guide:
- Lay out the cards face down.
- Players take turns flipping two cards, trying to find pairs of words that rhyme.
- The game continues until they find all pairs.
#2 Create-a-Story Rhyme Time
- Description: An interactive activity where children create their own stories using as many rhyming words as possible.
- Materials: Paper, pens, or pencils
- Guide:
- Each child thinks of a story or poem idea.
- They write a short story or narrative that includes a series of rhyming words.
- Children then share their written stories with the group, emphasizing the rhymes.
This activity effectively allows for independent work, providing an excellent opportunity for teachers to give one-on-one attention to students needing additional support. In contrast, others are engaged in crafting their rhyming stories.
#3 Rhyming Word Crossword Puzzles
- Description: Crossword puzzles where clues are words that rhyme with the answers.
- Materials: Rhyming word crossword puzzles.
- Guide:
- Provide crossword puzzles to the children.
- Children solve the puzzles, finding words that rhyme with the clues.
- Review the answers and discuss the rhymes.
#4 Rhyming Word Worksheets
- Description: Worksheets with exercises and tasks focusing on rhyming words.
- Materials: Rhyming words worksheets.
- Guide:
- Hand out worksheets with various rhyming word exercises.
- Children complete the worksheets.
- Go over the answers and discuss the rhyming pairs.
#5 Rhyming Word Journaling
- Description: Keep a journal where children write about their day or thoughts using rhyming words.
- Materials: Journals or notebooks, writing instruments.
- Guide:
- Encourage children to write daily entries.
- Instruct them to try to use rhyming words in their writing.
- Periodically review the entries and discuss the use of rhymes.
You may also want to check out these 100 winter writing prompts and 100 summer writing prompts.
#6 Rhyming Word Debates (scripted)
- Description: Organize debates where they must present arguments in rhyme.
- Materials: Debate topics, paper, writing instruments
- Guide:
- Assign debate topics to children.
- They prepare their arguments, writing them in a rhyming format.
- Conduct the debate, focusing on the rhyming structure of the arguments.
#7 Rhyming Word Challenge Cards
- Description: Challenge cards with written rhyming tasks to be solved.
- Materials: Pre-made challenge cards with written rhyming prompts.
- Guide:
- Distribute challenge cards to the children.
- Each child reads their card and writes down a word or phrase that rhymes with the prompt.
- Share and discuss the rhymes they’ve come up with.
#8 Rhyming Word Chain Writing Game
- Description: A writing game where each participant adds to a story, ending their addition with a rhyming word.
- Materials: Paper, writing instruments
- Guide:
- Start a story with a sentence that ends in a rhyme.
- Pass the paper to the next child, who continues the story, ending their part with a word that rhymes with the previous sentence.
- Continue until the story reaches a natural conclusion.
#9 Rhyming Word Scavenger Hunt (Written Clues)
- Description: A scavenger hunt using written clues where each clue rhymes with the object to be found.
- Materials: Written rhyming clues and objects related to the clues
- Guide:
- Distribute the first written clue to each child.
- Children read and solve the clue to find the corresponding object.
- Each object found leads to the following written clue.
Why Rhyming Words Matter
Rhyming words are a cornerstone in a child’s language development journey. The benefits of spending time learning rhyming words are numerous.
First, they strengthen language development by adding to vocabulary and improving a child’s ability to recognize word patterns, which is essential for reading and comprehension skills.
Secondly, rhyming develops phonemic awareness – the ability to identify and work with individual sounds in words – an essential step towards successful reading.
For children with special needs, these benefits are especially significant. Rhyming words can be a powerful tool in improving auditory discrimination, memory, and language processing skills.
Children who struggle with traditional language learning methods often find that rhyming offers a more natural and enjoyable way to learn language.
Moreover, when teaching rhyming words is tailored to a child’s specific learning style – whether they are visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or reading/writing learners – it meets them at their level of comfort and ability.
This personalized approach maximizes their learning potential and fosters a sense of achievement and self-confidence. By tapping into their preferred way of learning, we can unlock their full potential in language development, setting a foundation for lifelong literacy and communication skills.
Incorporating Technology
Incorporating technology into learning activities, especially for rhyming words, can significantly enhance the educational experience for children. There are various apps and online resources to be able to do this. Here are a few:
Hooked on Phonics
One notable app is Hooked on Phonics. This app offers a comprehensive reading program that begins with basic pre-reading skills and progresses to more advanced concepts up to a 2nd-grade level.
It includes 42 phonics lessons covering:
- Short vowel sounds
- Consonant sounds
- Blends
- Digraphs
The app also includes a segment called Hooked on Spelling, specifically designed to work on spelling patterns and rhyming words.
However, it’s important to note that while the app is well-designed and easy to use, some users have pointed out it might move too fast for some young readers.
The app is available for a trial period and then requires a subscription.
Another resource to consider is Kokotree. This platform provides various fun rhyming games and activities practicing rhyming words.
They emphasize the use of learning apps for kids to boost phonics skills. These apps often incorporate phonics activities and games, including rhyming words.
Rhyming Words
Lastly, the Rhyming Words app by GrasshopperApps goes beyond the basics with great graphics and a clear voice, making it user-friendly for young learners.
The app has a variety of word choices and is helpful for kindergarten students getting ready for reading. One of its strengths is its unique pairs of rhyming words, which can serve as conversation starters.
It’s crucial to ensure a balanced approach when using technology for learning.
Here are some tips:
- Limit screen time: Set specific durations for app usage to avoid excessive screen exposure.
- Interactive learning: Choose apps that encourage active participation rather than passive consumption.
- Complement with traditional methods: Use apps as a complementary resource with other learning activities like reading physical rhyming books, crafting, and outdoor play.
- Monitor and guide: Stay involved in your child’s learning process by guiding them through the app’s activities and discussing their learning.
- Personalize the experience: Tailor the app’s use to fit your child’s learning style and pace and adjust as needed based on their progress and interests.
By integrating these digital tools into your child’s learning routine, you can provide a diverse and stimulating educational experience that caters to their needs and interests.
Engaging with Your Child
Engaging with your child during learning activities, especially those involving rhyming words, is beneficial for their educational development and strengthens your bond with them. Here’s how you can effectively participate and interact during these activities:
– Be Actively Involved
Participate in the Activities: Join in the fun. Whether it’s a rhyming word game or a crafting activity, your involvement can motivate your child and make the experience more enjoyable.
Guide, Don’t Dictate: Offer guidance and help, but allow your child to explore and learn independently. It’s essential that they feel a sense of ownership over their learning journey.
– Encourage Exploration
Foster Curiosity: Encourage your child to ask questions and explore different words and sounds. This not only aids in learning but also stimulates their curiosity and creativity.
Variety in Activities: Mix the activities to keep things fresh and interesting. Using different learning styles can help identify what resonates best with your child.
– Provide Positive Reinforcement
Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate even small victories. This could be as simple as mastering a new rhyme or completing a puzzle.
Use Encouraging Words: Phrases like “Great job!” or “You’re doing so well!” can boost your child’s confidence and enthusiasm for learning.
– Practice Patience
Understand Their Pace: Every child learns at their own pace. Be patient and understanding of their learning process.
Handle Frustrations Gracefully: If a child struggles or makes mistakes, guide them with kindness and encouragement rather than criticism or frustration.
– Build a Learning Environment
Create a Dedicated Space: A specific area for learning activities can help your child focus and associate that space with fun, educational experiences.
Limit Distractions: Ensure the learning environment is free from unnecessary distractions to help maintain concentration.
You may want to check out these 29 Fun Activities to Help Kids Focus (With Proven Results).
– Incorporate Real-Life Examples
Apply Learning to Daily Life: Reinforce what they learn by pointing out rhyming words in everyday situations, like riding in the car or during playtime.
Encourage Verbal Practice: Regularly engage in conversations where you develop rhymes, turning them into a fun and customary practice.
Remember, the goal is to make learning a positive and enriching experience. Your active participation and encouragement can significantly impact your child’s educational journey, fostering a lifelong love for learning.
Next Steps
Exploring rhyming words through activities tailored to different learning styles can significantly enhance your child’s language and cognitive skills.
By engaging in these fun, diverse activities, you’re aiding their educational growth and enriching your bond with them. I encourage you to try out these activities, observe the positive changes they bring, and embrace the joy of learning together.
Which activity will you try first? Drop it in the comments below.
Additional Reading and Language Resources
- The Surprising Benefits of Reading 20 Minutes a Day
- 52 Fun Alphabet Activities for Kids With Learning Differences
- 2 Quick and Easy Ways to Help Kids Learn their Name
- Download this FREE creative writing activity for kids