What Are the Best Test Taking Tips for Kids?


Tests bring a lot of stress and anxiety to so many students and parents today. Here are some test taking tips to help your child do his best and help eliminate some of the stress.


How many times have you noticed your child becoming physically ill the day of a test?

Or being angry or sad out of nowhere?


First of all, know that it is just one test, one moment, one little snapshot of where your child is academically.


Tests are NOT the end-all, be-all of your child’s academic career. One test DOES NOT define who your child is and what they can do. Let your child know that.

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4 Best Test Taking Tips for Kids 


#1 Go to bed early

It is so essential that your child gets enough sleep. Getting enough sleep is important every day, but it is vital for the night before testing. When we are tired, we can not focus.  


#2 Have a relaxing morning routine before the test.

Testing is enough stress without having the added stress of a busy morning. Wake a few minutes earlier, have a relaxing breakfast and conversation with your child. Build them up with encouraging words and praise. Be your child’s cheerleader and motivator.


#3 Practice test-taking strategies.

It is important to prepare your child as best as you can before the test. It is important not to overwhelm them also.

Give them a few great strategies and practice those a lot. It is easier to remember the strategy if you give your child a mnemonic device or acronym.  

Here is one of my favorites: RELAX

  • Read each question carefully and then re-read the passage or problem before answering. 
  • Examine every answer choice.
  • Look for proof of your answer.
  • Always check your work!
  • X-out wrong answers.


#4 Celebrate!

Our children need a break after the test is complete, and what better way then to celebrate!  

It is an accomplishment, regardless of what the score says. State testing brings long days and cranky children (and teachers)! 

It is challenging to sit quietly and focused for hours in uncomfortable chairs and desks taking tests. 

Some ideas to celebrate are: 

  • Go to the park
  • Have a celebratory ice cream
  • Play a game
  • Read a fun book
  • Have a special meal

I hope these tips help make test-taking season stress-free and a breeze for your child and you! 

Just remind your child to “Relax, don’t stress–Just do your best!”  

Do you have other tips to share? Please comment below if so! 


More Test Taking Tips & Resources

Here are a few resources you can work on together at home to prepare for testing.


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What Are the Best Test Taking Tips for Kids?
Help your chid by trying these 4 test taking tips that are sure to increase scores, boost confidence, and decrease anxiety.

Picture of Luke Dalien

Luke Dalien

Author Luke Dalien has spent his life dedicated to helping others break the chains of normal so that they may live fulfilled lives. When he’s not busy creating books aimed to bring a smile to the faces of children, he and his amazing wife, Suzie, work tirelessly on their joint passion; helping children with special needs reach their excellence. Together, they founded an online tutoring and resource company, SpecialEdResource.com. Poetry, which had been a personal endeavor of Luke’s for the better part of two decades, was mainly reserved for his beautiful wife, and their two amazing children, Lily and Alex. With several “subtle nudges” from his family, Luke finally decided to share his true passion in creativity with the world through his first children’s book series, “The Adventures Of The Silly Little Beaver."


  1. These are good tips. I think taking the child for a treat after the test will ease their stress. It would also help if the parents would not put on so much pressure on their child to excel in the tests.

  2. Thanks for the great test taking tips for kids. It is really important to help them succeed and learn to love learning.

  3. This is a wonderful inspiring post. These test taking tips for kids are really thoughtful and informative. Of course, sleep is so vital, and I love that you included the idea of celebrating post test taking. I really appreciate the information on your website!

  4. It is good to have some test-taking strategies. Tests can be stressful for kids and it is nice to have some tips for them.

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