31 Simple Activities for Visually Impaired Children At Home

Young girl setting the table for dinner at home -one of the simple activities for visually impaired children to do at home.

When the doctor diagnosed Mia with a visual impairment, her parents, John and Laura, were at a loss. They were unsure how to ensure their bubbly 5-year-old would continue to learn and develop like other kids her age. They feared she might fall behind her peers, especially with her new love for kindergarten.

After speaking with her teachers and reading up on ways to help visually impaired children at home, they realized the importance of providing stimulating activities for Mia. They decided to turn their concern into action.

John and Laura spent their weekends turning their home into a learning playground for Mia. They explored various activities for children with visual impairments. They tried everything from sensory toys in the living room to auditory games in the backyard. And to their delight, Mia loved them!

She was always eager to try a new activity. Over time she became more independent and confident. Mia was not just coping. She was thriving.

Understanding the Needs of Your Visually Impaired Child

If your child has a visual impairment, it’s crucial to understand their unique challenges. Every child is different, and the degree of visual impairment can vary greatly. Your child may have problems with: 

Some children may have partial vision, while others may have no vision at all. But all visually impaired children must navigate a world primarily designed for those who can see.

One of the most common challenges children with vision impairments face is in the area of mobility and spatial understanding. 

Without visual cues, navigating through rooms, figuring out the location of objects, or even understanding the concept of distance can be difficult. This can limit their independence, ability to explore their surroundings and participate in recreational activities.

– Social Interactions

Social interactions can also be challenging. You use facial expressions, body language, and other visual cues in communication. So being unable to see these can affect a child’s ability to interact and form relationships with others.

– Learning

Learning can be another hurdle. Traditional teaching methods are often visually oriented. This makes it hard for low-vision students to keep up with their peers in a school environment. They might require more time or different materials and teaching methods to understand concepts. They may have accommodations and modifications on their IEP

– Everyday Activities

Lastly, activities that most kids take for granted, like playing a game or drawing, can be challenging for visually impaired children. This is where activities specifically designed for your child come in. 

These activities should stimulate other senses – touch, sound, smell, and taste. By focusing on these other senses, we can create simple adaptations. This will make learning more accessible and a fun experience. 

For instance, activities that involve feeling different textures or identifying objects by touch can help improve tactile skills. Activities that use sounds, like musical games, can enhance auditory skills. Even simple cooking activities can engage the senses of smell and taste while teaching valuable life skills.

Benefits of Home-Based Activities for Children With Vision Problems

– Safety Precautions

Home is a safe and familiar environment for your child. It is a great place because you can control the surroundings, minimizing potential hazards. This allows your child to explore, learn, and grow without unnecessary risks.

– Comfort

A home is a place where your child feels comfortable. This comfort can reduce anxiety and foster a more effective learning environment. Home’s familiar sounds, smells, and textures can provide a sense of security, allowing your child to focus more on the fun activities.

– Personalized Attention

At home, you can provide one-on-one attention to your child. You are their sighted guide through each activity, answering their questions and providing immediate feedback. This personalized attention is often hard to achieve in other group settings. But at home, it’s possible!

Customized Activities

Every child is unique, with their own interests, abilities, and pace of learning. You can customize home-based activities to suit your child’s specific needs. 

You can adjust the complexity of the activities, choose themes that interest your child, and set a pace that matches their learning style.

Family Involvement

Home-based activities create wonderful opportunities for the entire family to get involved. Siblings can join in, which promotes bonding and helps them better understand their sibling’s experiences. 

It also strengthens your relationship as a parent by spending quality time with your child.


With home-based activities, you can decide when and how to conduct the activities. This allows you to seamlessly fit the activities into your daily routine, making learning part of everyday life.

By incorporating stimulating activities into your child’s routine at home, you can create a rich learning environment that caters to their unique needs and abilities.

General Guidelines

Before we dive into the fun activities you can try, let’s go through some general guidelines. These will help ensure your chosen activities are safe, appropriate, and enjoyable for your child.

Consider Your Child’s Abilities, Interests, and Age

Not every activity will be suitable for every child. It’s essential to consider your child’s abilities, interests, and age when choosing activities. For instance, a child who enjoys music might benefit from learning to play musical instruments, while a child who loves sports might prefer physical activities. 

Also, an activity perfect for a teenager might not be suitable for a toddler. 

Safety First

Safety is of extreme importance. Ensure the environment where you conduct the activities is free from hazards that might harm your child. Keep sharp objects, toxic substances, and choking hazards out of reach. 

If an activity involves movement, ensure the playing area has enough space and that furniture with sharp edges is adequately padded. Supervise your child during these activities, especially when they’re trying something new.

The Importance of Fun

Remember, the goal is to learn while having fun. Choose activities that your child finds enjoyable. If your child is not interested in a particular activity, don’t force it. Instead, try something else. 

There’s a wide array of activities to choose from, and with some trial and error, you can find something your child loves.

Promote Inclusivity

Involve siblings, friends, or other family members in the activities where possible. This promotes social interaction and helps others understand the experiences of visually impaired children. It can also make the activities more fun and engaging for your child.

Following these guidelines will help create a positive, safe, and stimulating environment for your visually impaired child to learn and grow. Now that we’ve covered the basics let’s explore some specific activities you can try at home!

Sensory Activity Ideas for the Visually Impaired Child

Sensory activities engage one or more senses – touch, taste, smell, sound, and even movement. They can be especially beneficial for a child that is vision impaired. This will help them to develop their other senses, improve motor skills, and better understand their environment. 

Here are a few sensory activity ideas to get you started:

#1 Mystery Box

This activity stimulates the sense of touch and helps children refine their tactile perception.

Materials Needed: 

A box with a hole big enough for a hand and various household objects.


  • Place an object inside the box without your child seeing what it is.
  • Ask your child to put their hand inside the box and feel the object.
  • Encourage them to describe the object based on its shape, texture, size, etc.
  • Ask them to guess what the object is.
  • Repeat with different objects.

#2 Sound Shakers

This activity enhances auditory discrimination skills.

Materials Needed: 

  • Small containers (like film canisters or small plastic bottles)
  • Various small objects that make sounds (like rice, beads, pebbles), and tape.


  • Fill pairs of containers with the same small objects—for example, two containers with rice, two with beads, two with pebbles, etc.
  • Secure the lids with tape to prevent them from opening.
  • Mix up the containers, ask your child to shake them, and match the ones that make the same sound.

#3 Scent Jars

This activity stimulates the sense of smell and helps young children recognize different scents.

Materials Needed: 

  • Small jars with lids
  • Cotton balls
  • Various scented materials (like vanilla extract, lemon peel, cinnamon, and coffee grounds).


  • Soak a cotton ball in one of the scented materials and put it in a jar.
  • Repeat with different scents in different jars.
  • Mix up the jars and ask your child to smell them and identify the scents.

#4 Taste Test

This activity engages the sense of taste and helps children identify different tastes.

Materials Needed: 

Various foods with different tastes such as:

  • Lemon for sour
  • Sugar for sweet
  • Pretzels for salty
  • Dark chocolate for bitter


  • Blindfold your child or ask them to close their eyes.
  • Give them a small piece of one of the foods to taste.
  • Ask them to describe the taste and guess what food it is.
  • Repeat with different foods.

Remember, the goal of these activities is not just to learn but to have fun. Follow your child’s cues and adapt the activities as needed to match their interests and abilities.

Outdoor Activity Ideas for Visually Impaired Children

Outdoor activities allow visually impaired children to explore their environment, engage their senses, and improve their physical skills. Here are some activities that you can try in your backyard or at a local park.

#5 Sound Hunt

This activity enhances listening skills and promotes exploration of the environment.

Materials Needed: 



  • Take your child to your backyard or a local park.
  • Encourage them to stay still and quiet for a moment and focus on the sounds they can hear.
  • Ask them to identify the different sounds, like the rustling of leaves, bird calls, or distant traffic.

#6 Nature Sculptures

This activity engages the sense of touch and promotes creativity in their natural world.

Materials Needed: 

Natural materials such as: 

  • Leaves
  • Sticks
  • Pinecones
  • Rocks


  • Collect various natural materials with your child.
  • Encourage them to feel the different textures and shapes of the materials.
  • Ask them to arrange the materials to create a nature sculpture.

#7 Gardening

This activity engages multiple senses and teaches practical skills.

Materials Needed: 

  • Seeds
  • Potting soil
  • Pots or a garden patch


  • Help your child fill a pot or garden patch with potting soil.
  • Guide their hand to make a small hole in the soil.
  • Have them place a seed in the hole and cover it with soil.
  • Teach them to water the plant regularly.
  • As the plant grows, encourage your child to touch the leaves and, if applicable, smell or taste the fruits or herbs.

#8 Water Play

This activity is a fun way to engage the sense of touch.

Materials Needed: 

  • A water table or a large tub
  • Water
  • Various water toys


  • Fill a water table or a large tub with water.
  • Add various water toys like cups, funnels, or toy boats.
  • Encourage your child to splash, pour, and feel the water and toys.

Outdoor activities can be a fun change of pace and offer unique sensory experiences. As always, safety is paramount, so ensure you supervise your child and the environment is safe for exploration. 

Visual Impairment Literacy Activity Ideas

Developing literacy skills can be more challenging for visually impaired students, but it’s not impossible. Here are some activities that can help your child build these essential skills.

#9 Braille Alphabet Fun

This activity introduces the basics of Braille, the tactile writing system used by many visually impaired people.

Materials Needed: 

  • A Braille alphabet chart
  • Small objects or craft materials like buttons or beads, glue, and cardstock


  • Show your child the Braille alphabet chart.
  • Help them choose a word to spell out in Braille.
  • Have them glue the objects or craft materials onto the cardstock in the patterns of the Braille letters that spell out their word.

#10 Storytelling

This activity stimulates imagination and verbal skills. Storytelling is a great way to encourage blind students to use other senses when describing situations. 

Materials Needed: 



  • Start a story and let your child contribute to the next part.
  • Continue taking turns adding to the story.
  • Encourage your child to include as many details as possible.

#11 Audiobook Exploration

This activity promotes listening skills and a love for stories.

Materials Needed: 



  • Choose an audiobook suitable for your child’s age and interest.
  • Listen to the audiobook together.
  • Pause occasionally to discuss the story, ask your child questions, or explain new words or concepts.
  • Use some of these questions to improve reading comprehension

#12 Tactile Books

This activity engages the sense of touch while promoting literacy.

Materials Needed: 

Tactile books (books with text and illustrations that you can use touch to understand the concepts better )


  • Read a tactile book with your child.
  • Encourage your child to touch and feel the illustrations while you read.
  • Discuss the story and illustrations with your child.

Remember, these activities aim to make literacy fun and engaging especially for your younger child. Be patient, encourage your child, and celebrate their progress, no matter how small.

Social Skills Activity Ideas for a Child With Vision Problems

Social skills are an essential part of a child’s development. They help children understand and interact with the world around them. Here are some activities that can help your visually impaired child develop their social skills:

#13 Role-Playing

This activity allows children to practice social scenarios in a safe and controlled environment.

Materials Needed: 



  • Discuss a common social scenario with your child, such as meeting a new friend, asking for help, or sharing toys.
  • Act out the scenario together, taking turns playing different roles.
  • Discuss how each role felt and what your child learned from the experience.

#14 Music and Movement Games

This activity encourages social interaction and cooperation.

Materials Needed: 

Music player and music


  • Play a song and encourage your child to move to the music.
  • Invite siblings or friends to join in a game of freeze dance (dancing while the music plays and freezing when it stops) or musical chairs.
  • Discuss the importance of taking turns and being considerate of others during the game.

#15 Show and Tell

This activity promotes self-expression and listening skills.

Materials Needed: 

An object of interest to your child.


Ask your child to choose an object they would like to discuss.

  • Encourage your child to describe the object and why it is important to them.
  • Invite family members or friends to listen and ask questions about the object.
  • Encourage your child to listen and respond to questions.

#16 Cooking Together

This fun activity teaches teamwork and practical life skills you can do as a family.

Materials Needed: 

  • Simple recipes
  • Cooking ingredients
  • Kitchen utensils


  • Choose a simple recipe to make with your child.
  • Involve your child in each step of the cooking process, from gathering ingredients to mixing, cooking, and cleaning up.
  • Discuss the importance of working together and sharing responsibilities in the kitchen.
  • Does your child or teen love cooking? Share motivational stories from blind chefs like Christine Ha.

Remember, developing social skills takes time and practice. Be patient with your child and provide positive reinforcement as they learn and grow. Enjoy these activities and the valuable bonding time they provide! Check out our social skills online classes for special needs children. 

Math Skills Activity Ideas for Children With Vision Problems

Math skills are a fundamental part of a child’s education. They help children understand the world around them, solve problems, and make decisions. Here are some activities that can help your visually impaired child develop their math skills:

#17 Counting Objects

This activity helps children practice counting and understanding quantity.

Materials Needed: 

A collection of small objects such as:

  • Blocks
  • Cars,
  • Buttons
  • Beads


  • Ask your child to count the objects one by one.
  • Ask them questions like “How many objects are in total?” or “If we add two more objects, how many will there be?”

#18 Sorting and Classifying

This activity enhances the understanding of categories and attributes with real objects.

Materials Needed: 

Various household items


  • Gather various items (such as spoons, forks, and knives).
  • Ask your child to sort the items into different categories based on their attributes (for example, spoons in one pile, forks in another, and so on).

#19 Shape Hunt

This activity helps younger children recognize and name different shapes.

Materials Needed: 

  • Household items of various shapes
  • A bag or box


  • Gather several items of different shapes (like a round plate, a square book, or a rectangular phone).
  • Put the items in a bag or box.
  • Have your child reach in, pick an item, and identify the shape.

#20 Tactile Graphs

This activity introduces the concept of graphs and data representation to your younger or older children.

Materials Needed: 

  • Cardstock
  • Stickers or buttons
  • A ruler
  • Various items to collect data from


  • Help your child create a simple bar graph on the cardstock using stickers or buttons to represent data (like the number of each type of fruit in your kitchen).
  • Use the ruler to ensure the bars are straight.
  • Discuss the graph with your child, asking questions like “Which fruit do we have the most of?” or “How many more apples do we have than oranges?”

Remember, the key to teaching math skills is to make the activities fun and relatable to your child’s everyday life. Be patient and celebrate their progress. You may also be able to adapt some of these math activities

Life Skills Activity Ideas for Children With a Vision Disability

Life skills are essential for every child to learn. They help children become independent and confident, navigate their environment, and make informed decisions. Here are some activities that can help your visually impaired child develop their life skills:

#21 Folding Clothes

This activity teaches independence and organization skills.

Materials Needed: 

Various pieces of clothing


  • Start with simple items like towels or T-shirts.
  • Show your child how to fold the item step by step.
  • Encourage them to feel the shapes and corners as they fold.

#22 Setting the Table

This activity promotes responsibility and understanding of spatial orientation.

Materials Needed: 

  • Plates
  • Cups
  • Utensils


  • Show your child where each item goes on the table.
  • Guide their hand as they place each item in the correct location.
  • Practice this regularly before meals.

#23 Making a Sandwich

This activity is an excellent way to teach practical skills and independence.

Materials Needed: 

  • Bread
  • Sandwich fillings
  • Butter knife
  • Plate


  • Help your child gather all the ingredients.
  • Guide them to spread the filling, assemble the sandwich, and cut it in half.

#24 Navigating the Home

This activity helps your special needs child learn to move around their environment safely.

Materials Needed: 



  • Guide your child around the home, helping them memorize the location of furniture and other items.
  • Share tips such as counting steps from one place to another.
  • Encourage them to practice moving from one room to another independently.

Remember, patience and practice are key when teaching life skills. Offer plenty of praise and encouragement as your child learns and progresses. Check out these for additonal life skills activities you can adapt. 

Physical Activity Ideas for Children With Vision Issues

Physical activity is crucial for every child’s development. It helps improve motor skill development, promotes health, and provides a fun way to burn off energy. Here are some activities that can help your visually impaired child get moving.

#25 Yoga for Kids

This activity enhances balance, flexibility, and body awareness.

Materials Needed: 

  • Yoga mat
  • Children’s yoga video, or app.


  • Set up a yoga mat in a clear, safe space.
  • Follow along with a children’s yoga video or app, guiding your child through the poses.

#26 Sound Ball

This activity improves listening skills and coordination.

Materials Needed: 

A ball with a bell inside.


  • Roll or toss the ball to your child, encouraging them to listen for the sound to catch or stop it.
  • Take turns throwing and catching the ball in various ways.

#27 Dancing to Music

This activity promotes coordination and rhythm while your child has a great time dancing to their favorite music.

Materials Needed: 

  • Music player
  • Music


  • Play some of your child’s favorite music.
  • Encourage your child to move and dance to the beat.

#28 Obstacle Course

This activity enhances motor skills and spatial awareness.

Materials Needed: 

Various household items to serve as obstacles.


  • Set up a safe obstacle course using cushions, boxes, or toys. You can lay a jumprope on the ground to simulate a balance beam to walk across and a play tunnel to crawl through. 
  • Guide your child through the course a few times until they feel comfortable.
  • Encourage them to try the course independently, with you nearby, for safety.

Remember, physical activity aims to have fun and get moving. Always ensure the activities are safe and suitable for your child’s ability level.

Art Activity Ideas for a Child With a Visual Impairment

Art is a wonderful way for children to express themselves, enhance their creativity, and improve their fine motor skills. Here are some activities that can help your visually impaired child explore the world of art.

#29 Tactile Drawing

This activity encourages creativity and tactile exploration.

Materials Needed: 

  • Tactile drawing paper (or regular paper and a thick pen)
  • Drawing tools


  • Let your child draw freely on the tactile paper with their drawing tools.
  • Encourage them to feel their drawings and discuss what they’ve created.

#30 Clay Sculpting

This activity enhances fine motor skills and spatial understanding.

Materials Needed: 

Non-toxic modeling clay


  • Give your child clay and encourage them to sculpt it into different shapes or figures.
  • Discuss the shapes and textures they’ve created.


#31 Collage Making

This activity promotes creativity and tactile exploration.

Materials Needed: 

  • Cardstock
  • Various materials (feathers, buttons, fabric scraps, etc.)
  • Glue


  • Let your child glue the various materials onto the cardstock to create a collage.
  • Encourage them to feel the different textures in their collage.

Remember, the goal of art activities is to encourage self-expression and creativity. Be sure to praise your child’s efforts and celebrate their creations. 


Ways to Adapt Activities to Include Siblings or Friends

Involving family and friends in activities with your visually impaired child makes the activities more fun and promotes social interaction and inclusivity. It’s an opportunity for your child to strengthen social skills, learn from others, and feel a sense of belonging.


You can turn activities such as cooking, crafting, or setting up an obstacle course into team tasks. This encourages cooperation, communication, and the sharing of ideas.

Turn-Taking Games

Practice turn taking through games. These games help children learn to wait their turn, listen to others, and follow the rules.

Group Projects

Collaborative activities like making a large collage or performing a play provide creative expression, problem-solving, and teamwork opportunities.

There are many benefits to social interaction. Your child can practice communication and social skills, learn from their peers, and experience the joy of shared activities. 

Siblings and friends, on the other hand, learn about empathy, understanding, and how to interact with others who might have different needs and abilities.

Remember, the goal is to create a supportive, inclusive environment where your visually impaired child feels valued and accepted. 

Whether it’s a simple game or a larger group project, the involvement of family and friends makes the activities for visually impaired children more enjoyable and beneficial.

Your Role in Your Child’s Success

Remember, each child is unique. You should tailor activities to your child’s abilities, interests, and age. Safety is paramount. All activities should provide a safe and supportive environment for your child to learn and grow. 

Above all, these activities should be fun and inclusive, promoting social interaction with family and friends. We encourage you to be creative with these activities and patient with your child’s progress. 

The benefits of these activities extend beyond learning and development – they also foster a stronger parent-child bond, improve your child’s confidence and independence, and provide them with a sense of achievement and joy. 

You play a critical role in your child’s development. 

What Activities for Visually Impaired Children Have You Tried? 

We’d love to hear about your experiences and any additional activities you’ve found beneficial for your visually impaired child at home. Sharing ideas and experiences can be incredibly helpful to other parents navigating similar situations. 

And if you’ve found this article helpful, please share it with other parents who might find it helpful.


Additional Resources to Take a Look At Next 



Young girl setting the table for dinner at home -one of the simple activities for visually impaired children to do at home.
Discover these fun and simple activities for visually impaired children you can easily fit into your child’s daily routine at home.
Picture of Shannah Holt

Shannah Holt

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