The Ultimate List Of Fall Writing Prompts For Kids

A young girl with long brown hair sits at a desk, writing in a notebook with a green pencil. The text overlay reads, "The Ultimate List of Fall Writing Prompts for Kids" with the Special Ed Resource logo for in the corner.

With the crisp air and golden hues, fall offers the perfect backdrop for creative expression. Encouraging children to put pen to paper with fall-themed ideas helps nourish their creativity, expand their vocabulary, and enhance their storytelling skills. As the leaves change colors, why not let their imaginations take flight with these fun and engaging fall writing prompts?

Fall Writing Prompts for Nature-Loving Kids

Let’s explore some fantastic writing prompts for kids who find inspiration in nature.

#1 Describe your favorite fall leaf and what makes it unique.

Leaves come alive in fall with vibrant red, orange, and yellow colors. Think about your favorite leaf—maybe it’s an oak with golden tones or a maple leaf that’s bright red. What about it catches your eye? Consider its shape, sound when the wind blows, or how it crunches under your feet.

  • What color is your leaf, and why do you like it?
  • How does it feel in your hand?
  • Does it have a unique sound when it falls?
  • Imagine it has a tiny map—where might it lead?
  • If it were a character, what kind of personality would it have?
  • Tell a story about this leaf’s journey from tree to ground.
  • Have you ever found different types of the same leaf?
  • How does this leaf change throughout fall?
  • What would it say if it could talk?
  • Is there a memory you associate with this leaf?

#2 Write a story about a day spent in a pumpkin patch.

Imagine going to a pumpkin patch for a day of adventure. See the fields filled with pumpkins, big and small. What happens as you navigate this pumpkin patch?

  • Who do you go to the pumpkin patch with?
  • Describe the scene as you arrive.
  • Do you meet any new friends, humans or animals?
  • Is there a fun activity like a corn maze or hayride?
  • What does your perfect pumpkin look like?
  • Imagine you find a magical pumpkin with special powers.
  • How do you feel as you walk among the pumpkins?
  • Does an unexpected event turn the day into a tale of mystery?
  • Write about a pumpkin-related game you invent.
  • End your day with a nighttime pumpkin patch scene—what do you see and hear?

#3 Imagine you are a squirrel preparing for winter. What do you do?

Squirrels are busy in the fall gathering nuts and making nests. Slip into the paws of a squirrel preparing for winter. What steps do you take to get ready?

  • Where do you find your food?
  • How do you decide where to hide your acorns?
  • What does your nest look like?
  • Describe a fall storm—how do you keep safe and warm?
  • Encounter another animal—how do you interact?
  • Describe a day in your life as a squirrel.
  • Are you alone, or do you have a squirrel friend?
  • How does collecting food change day to day?
  • What challenges do you face as the weather gets colder?
  • How do you celebrate your last sunny autumn day?

#4 What sounds do you hear in the forest during fall?

The forest is full of sounds, especially in the fall. There’s so much to listen for, from crisp leaves underfoot to rustling branches. Close your eyes and imagine you are in the middle of a forest.

  • What is the loudest sound you hear?
  • Can you identify the sounds of different animals?
  • Describe the sound of the wind through the trees.
  • What noises do the leaves make as they drop?
  • Is there a change in sound from day to night?
  • Think about the birds—who is singing?
  • Is there a sound you find exceptionally peaceful?
  • How do animal sounds change as they prepare for winter?
  • Do you hear the gentle trickle of a forest stream?

#5 Write a poem about a windy autumn day.

As the wind swirls around you, it’s the perfect inspiration for poetry.

  • How does the wind make you feel?
  • Compare the wind to something unexpected.
  • Describe how the wind affects trees and leaves.
  • How does the wind change the sky? Describe it. 
  • Think of a playful interaction between the wind and a small animal.
  • Use colors to describe the windy day.
  • How does the wind inspire movement in your poem?
  • Write about a memory of a windy autumn day.
  • Consider how the wind whispers secrets to those who listen.

Fall Writing Prompts for Young Adventurers

These prompts will help your young adventurer explore their imaginations and create their own thrilling tales. 

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#6 Write about a treasure hunt in the woods during fall.

Imagine stepping into a forest where every rustling leaf might be hiding a clue to a secret treasure. You’re the leader of a brave crew, setting off on a quest in search of a hidden chest deep within the woods.

  • What whispers through the trees as you hunt for clues?
  • Who are your fellow treasure seekers?
  • What challenges do you face when the sun begins to set?
  • Could the lost map your team found in an old library lead you to the treasure?
  • Write about the surprising treasure you find and why it’s better than gold or silver.
  • Describe how the journey changes you and your friends.
  • Which animal in the forest helps you, and why does it trust you?
  • What secret does the treasure box reveal when you finally open it?
  • How do brilliant autumn colors help or hinder your journey?
  • Imagine the past owner of the treasure and write about their story.

#7 Describe an exciting adventure you would take in a corn maze.

A corn maze can be an adventure full of twists and turns that feel like a whole new world – like a land where secrets are tucked away between the rows.

  • Who do you meet while finding your way through the maze?
  • How does the corn maze change when night falls?
  • What happens if you find a secret garden at the center?
  • Imagine the maze as a portal to another time; where does it take you?
  • What do you hear in the rustling corn? Are there any mysterious messages?
  • Create a story about a talking scarecrow that guides you.
  • Design a riddle or challenge that the maze presents to make things more exciting.
  • How do the sounds of the fall festival outside the maze play into your tale?
  • What unexpected treasure or memory do you uncover at the end?
  • What new friend or creature helps you solve the maze?

#8 Tell a spooky story that happens on Halloween night.

Write a chilling tale that sends a shiver down the spine.

  • Describe a haunted house no one dares to enter but you.
  • What do the carved pumpkins on your doorstep whisper after dark?
  • What happens when a group of friends stumbles upon a ghostly gathering?
  • Write about a mysterious spell cast by a wandering witch.
  • What trick-or-treat surprises do you find that are eerie and strange?
  • Describe a night where costumes come to life.
  • What happens when the moon turns orange and animals talk?
  • Tell a story about finding an old letter that asks for your help from beyond the grave.
  • How does a pair of glowing eyes in the dark lead to friendship with a creature of the night?
  • Imagine a class of wizards and witches on a field trip that goes wrong on Halloween night.

#9 Imagine finding a secret door while hiking. Where does it lead?

Adventurers often discover the most unexpected things. Here’s a prompt that opens a door to the unknown.

  • What magical world lies beyond the door you’ve found?
  • Describe the guardian who allows or forbids entry.
  • What time period or dimension suddenly unfolds before your eyes?
  • Write a scene where your family joins you on this unexpected journey.
  • What happens when the door locks behind you?
  • Describe the colorful landscapes or desolate lands you encounter beyond.
  • Imagine reuniting with a lost legend or character through the doorway.
  • What’s the first sign that this wasn’t an ordinary door?
  • Write a tale of solving puzzles to journey further into this new world.
  • What happens if the door only opens once a year in the fall?

#10 What would you do if you discovered a hidden waterfall in the fall?

Waterfalls are often majestic and serene, yet they can inspire stories filled with mystery and wonder. Write a story centered around a secret waterfall.

  • Does your waterfall have hidden treasures underneath the cascades?
  • Write about creatures or fairies that protect this magical place.
  • How does the surrounding forest change as you approach the waterfall?
  • Describe what unique stones or plants you find nearby.
  • Build a story about an ancient civilization linked to this waterfall.
  • What happens when the waterfall becomes the gateway to an underwater kingdom?
  • Imagine finding a message in a bottle floating by.
  • Create a legend around the waterfall and how you unravel its mysteries.
  • What songs do the waters sing as they flow?
  • How do you share or keep the secret of this enchanting place?

Fall Writing Prompts for Future Scientists

Fall opens a world of discovery as nature shifts around us. Use these fall writing prompts to spark curiosity and inspire future scientists.

#11 Describe the changes you see in the environment as the weather gets cooler.

Fall is that magical time of year when the world seems to change every day. Kids can observe and write about the colder mornings, the earlier sunsets, and the way the air feels crisper. 

Notice how the leaves turn from green to vibrant reds and golds. Does the wind sound different as it moves through the bare branches? Ask questions like:

  • How does the wildlife react to these changes?
  • Do you notice any new smells during the fall?
  • How has the temperature affected morning routines?
  • What’s different about the sky during this season?
  • Are there more clouds or clearer skies now?
  • How do people’s activities change with the season?
  • What differences do you see in plants besides trees?
  • Are there any changes in the shadows and sunlight?
  • Can you feel the difference in the humidity?

#12 Write about the life cycle of a tree through the seasons.

Trees are excellent indicators of seasonal change. Kids can dive into a tree’s journey, from a seed to a sleeping giant in winter. What does the tree experience each season?

  • How does the tree awaken during spring?
  • What happens to its leaves in summer?
  • Describe the process of shedding leaves in the fall.
  • Predict the tree’s activities during winter.
  • How do trees prepare for each seasonal change?
  • What foods or materials come from the tree?
  • Compare a deciduous tree’s life cycle to an evergreen.
  • What role do trees play in a forest ecosystem?
  • How does a tree support other wildlife?
  • Write from the perspective of a tree preparing for fall.

#13 What experiments could you conduct with fall leaves?

Leaves offer endless scientific exploration. Gather some leaves and let the experimentation begin. Here are some ideas to get started:

  • Can you measure how fast leaves change color?
  • What happens if you keep leaves in the dark?
  • How do different trees’ leaves decompose?
  • Which conditions speed up or slow down decomposition?
  • Can leaves be used to make natural dyes?
  • Which leaves produce the most vibrant dyes?
  • Predict how a leaf’s shape affects its fall.
  • Compare the moisture content of different colored leaves.
  • Which leaves crumble faster, wet or dry?
  • What happens when leaves are frozen?

#14 Explore the importance of migration for birds in the fall.

Many birds fly thousands of miles during fall. Discover why migration is so essential. Ask questions like:

  • What triggers birds to start their journey?
  • How do birds know where to go without GPS?
  • What do birds need for a successful migration?
  • Which birds travel the farthest?
  • How does migration impact a bird’s diet?
  • What roles do weather conditions play in migration?
  • How do families stay together during these journeys?
  • Evaluate the effect of climate change on migration.
  • What challenges do birds face during migration?
  • How do birds prepare for migration?

#15 Document the different types of nuts you find in the fall.

Fall isn’t just the season of pumpkins and cider—it’s also when various nuts come out to play. Encourage kids to document their discoveries:

  • Where do the nuts grow?
  • What animals eat these nuts?
  • Compare the thickness of different nuts’ shells.
  • What conditions affect nut growth?
  • Which nuts are easiest to crack open?
  • Can you predict next year’s nut yield by this year’s harvest?
  • How do different trees disperse their nuts?
  • Examine the nutritional value of various nuts.
  • How do humans and animals harvest nuts?
  • Describe the role these nuts play in local ecosystems.

These prompts ignite scientific curiosity while making learning fun. Encourage your child to see the fall season as a science lab waiting to be explored.

Fall Writing Prompts for Young Chefs

Autumn is the perfect season for cooking warm, comforting dishes. If your young ones love cooking or simply enjoy food, these fall writing prompts will spark their imagination and creativity in the kitchen!

#16 Write a recipe for your favorite fall dish.

Imagine you’re a chef ready to create a signature fall dish. Think about the flavors that remind you of autumn, such as pumpkin, cinnamon, or nutmeg. Write down the ingredients you would use and the steps to make this delicious dish. Would it be a soup, pie, or maybe a spicy chili? Let your taste buds guide your pen!

#17 Describe a day at an apple orchard and the treats you could make.

Picture yourself at an apple orchard, the crisp air filled with the scent of fresh apples. What would your day look like? 

Jot down the experience from picking apples to enjoying them later as a tasty treat. Would you bake an apple pie, make caramel apples, or perhaps whip up some homemade apple cider?

#18 Imagine inventing a new flavor of pie. What would it taste like?

Think beyond the traditional apple and pumpkin pies. What ingredients would you mix if you could invent a new pie flavor? Describe the smell coming from the oven and the taste on your tongue. Would it be a sweet pie, a savory one, or a perfect blend of both?

#19 What are your favorite autumn spices, and explain why you enjoy them?

Cinnamon, cloves, and ginger are the heart of fall dishes. Which ones are your favorite? Share what makes them unique. Is it the warming sensation they bring or a memory of a delicious meal with family?

#20 Write about a family gathering where everyone brings a fall dish.

Think about a family gathering during the fall. Each family member brings a homemade dish to share. 

  • What does everyone bring? 
  • How do these dishes brighten up the table? 
  • How do these meals bring your family closer together?
  • Is there a fun food tradition that everyone looks forward to?

Encourage your young chefs to explore the magical flavors of fall through these creative writing prompts, fueling their imagination and culinary curiosity!

Fall Writing Prompts for Young Athletes

These fall writing prompts will encourage your young athlete to combine their love for sports with their imaginations.

#21 Describe your experience at a fall sports game.

Capturing the unforgettable moments of a fall sports game is like painting a picture with words.

  • What was the weather like on game day? Was the cool wind giving you chills, or did the sun keep you warm?
  • Can you remember the colors around you? Were the trees a vibrant orange and red, cheering alongside you?
  • How did you feel when your team scored?
  • Was there a moment when everyone held their breath?
  • Did you create a special chant to cheer on your team?
  • What food did you snack on, and how did it enhance the experience?
  • Was there a humorous mascot dancing around the field?
  • How did you celebrate the victory or console each other after a loss?
  • Did anyone in the crowd do something memorable that made you smile?
  • How did playing or watching this game make you feel closer to family and friends?

#22 Write about your favorite outdoor activity during the fall.

What activity captures your heart during this season?

  • What outdoor game or sport do you enjoy the most in the fall?
  • Why is this activity better in the fall than in any other season?
  • Do you enjoy hiking through the colorful woods?
  • How does the crunch of leaves underfoot sound during your activity?
  • Do you organize any competitions, like apple bobbing, with friends?
  • Have you tried picking pumpkins or getting through corn mazes as a challenge?
  • Does playing tag feel more exciting among the fallen leaves?
  • What role does teamwork play in your outdoor activities?
  • How do you end your perfect day of fall activities?

#23 Imagine a football game played by mythical creatures.

  • What mythical creatures are players on the team? Dragons? Unicorns?
  • How do these creatures’ talents or powers help them play?
  • What kind of magical ball do they use, and how does it make the game unique?
  • What challenges do the mythical teams face during the game?
  • How does the crowd look—a mix of humans and other creatures?
  • How do the creatures communicate during the game?
  • What are the rules? Are they the same as in human football?
  • Who would be the magical referee, ensuring fairness in the game?
  • How do teams celebrate their victories with their unique styles?
  • What unexpected twist could happen in a magical football match?

#24 What does your perfect fall sports day look like?

  • Where do you start your day – at a park, a stadium, or in your own backyard?
  • Who joins you for this perfect day, and how do they contribute to the fun?
  • What sports or activities are you looking forward to playing?
  • How does the weather complement the activities planned for the day?
  • Are there any surprises that make the perfect day even better?
  • How does everyone stay hydrated and energized throughout the day?
  • Is there a special game-winning move you or your team perform?
  • Describe the memorable snapshots through the day, like catching the perfect throw.
  • What feeling do you cherish most as the day comes to an end?

#25 Write a story about a race through fallen leaves.

  • Who are the racers gearing up for this leaf race?
  • What’s the terrain like with leaves everywhere?
  • Are there any obstacles that the racers need to overcome?
  • How do the racers feel at the start, hearing the crunching of leaves?
  • What unexpected twist lies along the course?
  • Do the leaves give clues or hide secret paths?
  • Is there a friendly rivalry pushing racers to their limits?
  • What emotions surge as the finish line draws near?
  • When the race is over, what story does each racer tell?
  • What fall-themed trophy awaits the winner?

Fall Writing Prompts for Young Travelers

Encourage kids to discover the excitement of the season with these fall writing prompts designed for young travelers. 

#26 Imagine you are visiting a festival in a different country in the fall.

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a fall festival in another country? Picture yourself walking through colorful stalls and tasting cultural treats. Here are some prompts to get you started:

  • Cultural Traditions: Describe a unique tradition or custom you encounter at the festival. How does it differ from festivals you’ve attended at home?
  • Festival Food: What exotic foods or drinks do you try, and how do they taste?
  • Festival Games: What traditional games or competitions do you participate in? Describe the excitement and your competitors.
  • Souvenirs: What kinds of handmade crafts or souvenirs catch your eye, and which do you decide to take home as a souvenir?
  • Festival Sounds: Illustrate the sounds of the festival – music, chatter, and laughter. How do these sounds reflect the culture and energy of the event?
  • Festive Attire: What are people wearing, and how do these attires contribute to the festive atmosphere? Do you try on traditional clothing?
  • Conversations: Imagine meeting an intriguing character or storyteller at the festival. What tales or legends do they share with you?
  • Festival Night: Describe how the festival transforms as night falls and how the atmosphere intensifies under the moonlight and festival lights.
  • Unexpected Adventure: What unexpected event or surprise happens to you during the festival, leading to a memorable adventure?

#27 Historic City Visit

Picture yourself exploring a historic city known for its fall beauty. Which landmarks are most impressive, and how does the fall foliage enhance the experience?

#28 Mountain Camping Trip

Visualize a camping trip in the mountains during fall. How do you prepare for the cold nights, and what breathtaking views do you wake up to each morning?

#29 Island Trip 

Imagine taking a trip to an island in the fall. How does the island transform from its bustling summer vibe? Describe the changes in the landscape, activities, and wildlife as you explore the fall season on an island.

#30 Train Travel 

Consider taking a scenic train trip through the countryside. What sights and colors do you observe through the window, and who do you meet on the train?

Fall Writing Prompts for Young Writers

Here are some fall writing prompts that are sure to spark your young writer’s imagination. 

#31 Write a short story about a magical creature who lives in a pumpkin.

Encourage your young writer to imagine a world where a tiny creature calls a pumpkin its home. How does it create its cozy space inside? What adventures does it go on as the leaves begin to turn? 

Here are some additional details to write about:

  • Describe the creature: What does it look like? Does it have any special powers?
  • Set the scene: What does the inside of the pumpkin look like? Is it decorated or plain?
  • The creature’s mission: What is its purpose or goal during the fall season?
  • Interactions with the outside world: Does it have friends or foes in the garden?
  • A surprising twist: Does something unexpected happen that changes everything?

#32 Describe a character who loves everything about fall.

Some people live for fall. They can’t get enough from warm sweaters to pumpkin spice. Encourage your child to develop a character who loves fall. 

Here’s how they can build their character:

  • Appearance: How do they dress? What fall accessories do they never leave the house without?
  • Hobbies: What fall activities do they look forward to each year?
  • Favorite foods: Do they have a go-to fall treat they enjoy?
  • Challenges: Do they face funny or difficult situations because of their fall obsession?

#33 What would happen if trees could talk during the fall?

Trees change a lot in the fall, but what if they could tell us about their transformations? Consider these starting points:

  • Tree personalities: How does each type of tree sound? Are they happy or grumpy?
  • Conversations: What stories would they share about summers past?
  • Advice for humans: What would they say to people passing by in the park?
  • Seasonal worries: Do they have concerns about the approaching winter months?
  • A society of trees: How do they communicate and organize among themselves?

#34 Create a comic strip set in the fall.

Comics combine visual art with storytelling. Ask your young writer to sketch a few panels depicting a day in the life in the fall. Some starting ideas include:

  • Characters: Include animals who are preparing for the winter.
  • Setting: Use elements like jack-o’-lanterns, hayrides, and scarecrows.
  • Plot humor: Incorporate a small, funny misunderstanding or adventure.
  • Dialogue: What witty conversations happen between characters?
  • Colorful scenes: Use vibrant fall colors to enhance each panel.

#35 Imagine you found a diary from fall 100 years ago. What does it say?

Journals offer glimpses into the past, and this prompt allows kids to imagine life a century ago. What might someone have written about fall during that time? Here are some questions to explore:

  • Daily life: What was a typical fall day like back then?
  • Celebrations: How did they celebrate the fall holidays?
  • Weather changes: Was the fall season different in terms of weather?
  • Personal reflections: What thoughts and feelings are expressed about the fall?
  • Historical events: Have there been any mentions of important events from that time?

Fall Writing Prompts for Video Gamers

These fall writing prompts are for kids who love video games. 

#36 Design a video game level that takes place in a spooky haunted forest

  • What eerie creatures would lurk among the towering trees?
  • How would players navigate through a maze of shadowy paths?
  • What mythical items can be found hidden in the forest?
  • How might the setting change from day to night?
  • What types of puzzles would players solve to uncover secrets?
  • What role does the weather play in the level’s difficulty?
  • How does the sound contribute to the haunting atmosphere?
  • How would you design a forest battle?
  • Are there friendly spirits that guide or trick the player?
  • How does the forest connect to other areas in the game?
  • What skins would players have to choose from?

#37 Write about a character who collects items 

  • Who is this character, and why do they collect items?
  • What unique fall items are part of this collection?
  • Describe how each item gives the character special abilities.
  • Does the character have a companion on this adventure?
  • How do the environments change as the character explores?
  • What threats or challenges might hinder their collecting?
  • How do these items help in overcoming obstacles?
  • What is the ultimate goal of their collection?
  • Are his rivals also looking for the same items?
  • How does the character’s collection change the world around them?

#38 Describe the perfect fall-themed game

  • What kind of game is it—puzzle, action, or adventure?
  • What makes the autumn setting unique in terms of gameplay?
  • How does the changing season bring new challenges or opportunities?
  • Describe the main character and their connection to the fall.
  • What are the key features that set this game apart?
  • Are there seasonal events that offer special rewards?
  • How does the game incorporate natural elements like leaves and wind?
  • What storyline hooks the player from the start?
  • Does it include multiplayer options for shared experiences?
  • How does the game change if played in other seasons?

#39 What challenges would players face in a game set in a corn maze?

  • How do you navigate through the maze without a map?
  • What kinds of obstacles block the way or mislead players?
  • Are there hidden paths or secret exits?
  • Describe the creatures that inhabit the maze.
  • What rewards await those who reach the center?
  • How does teamwork enhance the chances of escape?
  • What happens if a player gets lost in the maze after dark?
  • How does each level of the maze differ from the last?
  • Are there rival players competing to solve the maze first?
  • How does solving the maze affect the next level?

#40 Imagine a game where all the characters are fall vegetables

  • Describe the hero of this world and their mission.
  • What types of allies do they find among the vegetable characters?
  • How do vegetable characters influence the culture of the world?
  • What are the main threats to this peaceful veggie society?
  • How do the seasons affect life in this world?
  • What vehicles or tools do vegetables use to get around?
  • How does the landscape change throughout the adventure?
  • What epic quests await in this veggie-filled game?
  • What kind of powers or abilities do characters have?
  • Describe a day in the life of this vegetable world.
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Fall Holiday Writing Prompts

#41 Halloween

  • Spooky Night Adventures: Write about a spooky adventure you had on Halloween night.
  • The Best Costume Ever: Describe your favorite costume and why it was so special.
  • Unexpected Trick or Treat: Imagine you got something other than candy while trick or treating. What was it?
  • Pumpkin Carving Party: Describe the funniest or scariest pumpkin you’ve carved.
  • Magical Candy: What if a piece of Halloween candy had magical powers? Write about what happens next.
  • A Haunted House Story: Tell a story about visiting a haunted house and what you saw there.
  • Halloween Mix-Up: What if Halloween was on a different day? How would it change?
  • Favorite Halloween Tradition: Write about a particular Halloween tradition to you and your family.
  • Imaginary Halloween Creatures: Create and describe a creature you think would fit right in on Halloween.
  • Halloween Helpers: Imagine helping organize a Halloween event for your neighborhood. What would you do?

#42 Columbus Day

  • Setting Sail with Columbus: Pretend you’re on a ship with Columbus. What are you seeing and experiencing?
  • Discovery Adventure: Imagine discovering a new land. Describe what you find there.
  • A Different Outcome: What if Columbus had landed in a different place? Write about what would change.
  • Meet the Natives: How would you feel meeting new people if you were Columbus?
  • A Holiday Celebration: Describe how your community celebrates Columbus Day.
  • Exploration Tools: What tools or gadgets would you bring if you were an explorer?
  • Columbus Day Debate: Write about what you’d discuss with Columbus if you could meet him.
  • A Journey Journal: Keep a journal like an explorer, like Columbus, on a long journey.
  • Found and Lost: What if Columbus got lost and encountered a mythical island?
  • Today’s Explorer: How would an explorer like Columbus navigate the world today?

#43 Veterans Day

Veterans Day is a tribute to all who have served. Encourage gratitude and honor through these prompts.

  • The Life of a Veteran: Imagine you are a veteran. Write about a day in your life.
  • A Thank You Letter: Write a letter to a veteran, thanking them for their service.
  • A Parade for Heroes: Describe a Veterans Day parade that honors heroes.
  • Veteran’s Story: Write a story based on a veteran’s experience.
  • Symbols of Honor: What symbol would you create to honor veterans?
  • Helping a Veteran: How would you help veterans in your community?
  • Family Connections: Do you know someone who is a veteran? Write about them.
  • Future Generations: Why is it important for kids to know about Veterans Day?
  • Veterans Day Speech: Imagine giving a speech at a Veterans Day event.
  • Life Lessons: What do you think kids can learn from talking to veterans?

#44 Thanksgiving

  • Family Traditions: Describe your family’s Thanksgiving traditions. 
  • Thanksgiving Table: Describe your perfect Thanksgiving table setting.
  • Favorite Dish: What dish do you look forward to the most and why?
  • Guests of Honor: Who would you invite to your perfect Thanksgiving dinner?
  • Savory and Sweet: What balance of flavors must your Thanksgiving dinner have?
  • Outdoor Feast: Imagine having Thanksgiving outside. Describe the scene.
  • Dinner Conversation: What would the most interesting conversation be at your table?
  • Cooking with Family: Write about preparing a Thanksgiving meal together.
  • Time Travel Dinner: What if you could invite people from the past to your dinner? Who would you invite? 
  • A Thankful Toast: Create a toast of gratitude to share at dinner.
  • Traditions to Start: Invent a new Thanksgiving tradition for your family.

#45 Diwali (Festival of Lights)

  • Write a story about a Diwali celebration with friends and family, highlighting the vibrant colors and festivities.
  • Describe how you would decorate your home and what lights you would use for Diwali.

#46 Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)

  • Imagine creating your own special family tradition to welcome the New Year. What would it be and why?
  • Write about the significance of apples and honey during Rosh Hashanah and what these symbolize for you.

#47 Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)

  • Reflect on something you did in the past year that you’re proud of and wish to improve upon.
  • Describe how you would spend a day of reflection and what activities you would do to reconnect with your thoughts.

#48 Mid-Autumn Festival (also known as Moon Festival)

  • Envision celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival with a family picnic under the moon. What special mooncakes or treats would you enjoy?
  • Write about the Moon Goddess Chang’e legend and how you would tell this story to your friends.

#49 Remembrance Day

  • Write a poem that honors the bravery and sacrifice of soldiers.
  • Imagine attending a Remembrance Day ceremony. What do you see, hear, and feel as you pay your respects?

With so many different ideas, fall holiday writing prompts can help young writers engage with the season’s spirit and get creative.

Create New Fall Holidays

#50 Describe a unique fall holiday you would like to create. 

Here are some ideas you can start with:  

  • Leaf Appreciation Day: Celebrate the beauty of fall leaves.
  • Harvest Happiness Festival: A festival all about celebrating fall harvests.
  • Pumpkin Palooza: A day just for pumpkins – carving, cooking, and decorating.
  • Cozy Sweater Day: A holiday to wear your favorite cozy sweater.
  • Fall Friends Festival: A day for celebrating friendships.
  • Bundle Up Day: Celebrate by having an outdoor event and staying warm.
  • Fall Flora Fest: Appreciate and learn about the plants that thrive in fall.
  • Fall Culture Day: Share and learn about how different cultures celebrate fall.
  • Ultimate Apple Day: Dedicate a day to apples in all their forms.
  • Giving Thanks Day: A slightly different take on Thanksgiving for appreciating life’s blessings.

Fall Invitation Letters 

#51 Write a letter to a friend inviting them to a fall gathering.

A friendly letter adds a personal touch to invitations for autumn festivities. Here are some activities to invite them to: 

  • Festive Fall Picnic: Invite your friend to a cozy picnic in the park.
  • Pumpkin Patch Trip: Share an invitation to explore the pumpkin patch together.
  • Apple Picking Invitation: Invite your friend for a day of apple picking.
  • Leaf Raking Fun: Make a chore fun by inviting friends to join.
  • Fall Craft Night: Write an invite for a creative evening making fall crafts.
  • Bonfire Bash: Invite friends to toast marshmallows and enjoy a bonfire.
  • Bake-Off Challenge: Ask your friend to a fall-themed baking competition.
  • Corn Maze Trip: Send an invitation for a trip through a local corn maze.
  • Costume Party: Invite your friend to a fall costume party.
  • Fall Movie Marathon: Plan an evening of cozy fall-themed movie-watching.

Incorporate Seasonal Activities

Involving the kids in seasonal activities can be an excellent way to generate creative ideas. Think about the fun they have during a hayride or the excitement of pumpkin picking. 

Here are some prompts to encourage them to write about:

  • #52 Describe your day spent in a corn maze.
  • #53 What superpower would you like to have in a world covered in leaves?
  • #54 Create a story about a scarecrow that comes to life.
  • #55 Write about your favorite memory from last Halloween.
  • #56 What would it look like if you could carve your perfect pumpkin?
  • #57 Imagine a forest where leaves never fall. What happens there?
  • #58 Describe a fall festival that includes your favorite games.
  • #59 Write an adventure set in an enchanted apple orchard.
  • #60 What would a fall party for woodland creatures look like?
  • #61 Describe the sights and sounds of a football game in autumn.

Use Visual Aids

Children love to see and touch, which can jumpstart their creativity. Gather colorful leaves or help them make crafts. 

Here are some prompts to use: 

  • #62 Create a story inspired by the colors and shapes of a leaf collection.
  • #63 Describe building a fort made of leaves.
  • #64 Imagine how animals prepare for fall using found objects from nature.
  • #65 Write the life cycle story of a leaf.
  • #66 Craft a poem about the journey of a single leaf from a tree to the ground.
  • #67 Design a mask using leaves and write about the character who wears it.
  • #68 Piece together twigs to create a character and write their story.
  • #69 Collect acorns and write about their magical powers.
  • #70 Use pinecones to invent a new game, then describe how to play.

Daily Journaling in the Fall 

Journaling helps kids process experiences and hone their writing skills. Invite them to keep a fall journal and document thoughts with these writing prompts:

  • #71 Write about a surprise find on a leaf walk.
  • #72 Describe the feeling of sipping hot cocoa on a chilly day.
  • #73 Note the sounds you hear during an autumn evening walk.
  • #74 Write about how the days grow shorter as fall progresses.
  • #75 Document the changing colors in their favorite tree.
  • #76 Describe a day when it rains leaves.
  • #77 Write about a cozy family movie night with your favorite treats.
  • #78 Record a memorable fall dream you had.
  • #79 Reflect on a fall-themed book or story you’ve read.

Tips to Making Writing Fun in the Fall Months

Set Up a Writing Corner 

What better way to encourage a child to write than by creating a cozy corner for writing? Here’s what to include:

  • Designing a writing corner with soft cushions and warm hues
  • Decorated with fall-inspired fairy lights and themed stationery
  • Keeping a basket of sensory items like pinecones and small gourds
  • Adding seasonal scented candles or diffusers
  • Having blankets or throws for chilly days
  • Ensuring a supply of colorful pens and papers
  • Including a chalkboard for jotting ideas
  • Providing inspirational books or magazines about autumn
  • Positioning a window view to admire the changing outdoors
  • Encouraging reading and brainstorming in this comfortable space

Organize Writing Competitions 

Competitions add an extra layer of fun to writing activities. Encourage participation by giving kids fun incentives. Consider:

  • Creating fall-themed bookmarks
  • Offering a small pumpkin for the best spooky story
  • Hosting a read-aloud session where winners have their stories heard
  • Gifting a cozy pair of socks for an imaginative fall poem
  • Giving out fall-themed stickers for creative drawings accompanying stories
  • Awarding a hot chocolate kit
  • Handing out a movie night bundle with popcorn
  • Creating leaf-shaped certificates for participation
  • Offering a lunch outing at a local fall festival
  • Featuring winning stories in the school newsletter or community board

Explore More Seasonal Writing Prompts

Writing prompts are powerful tools to boost creativity and keep kids engaged in writing. Unique seasonal sights, sounds, and activities provide rich material for imaginative storytelling.

Additional Writing Prompt Resources

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A young girl with long brown hair sits at a desk, writing in a notebook with a green pencil. The bottom half of the image features a crumpled paper texture with bold white text that reads, "The Ultimate List of Fall Writing Prompts For Kids." The Special Ed Resource logo in the lower right corner. This image highlights educational content for children, focusing on writing activities.
Want to inspire your child’s creativity and make writing time fun? These fall writing prompts for kids are just what you need.

Picture of Shannah Holt

Shannah Holt

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