100 Creative Back to School Writing Prompts for Kids

Young girl with pigtails writing in a notebook, smiling, and holding a green pencil. Text on the image reads '100 Creative Back to School Writing Prompts for Kids,' with the Special Ed Resource logo in the corner.

Are you ready to help your kids start the upcoming school year off right? Creative writing prompts can be a powerful tool for helping children ease into the new academic year. They foster creativity, encourage self-expression, and allow children to process their feelings about going back to school. 

By using prompts tailored to their interests and experiences, you can help your kids set future goals, reflect on their summer, and get excited about all the new learning adventures that await them. 

Let’s dive into various engaging writing prompts designed to make the transition smoother and more enjoyable for your writers.

Back-to-School Writing Prompts

Transitioning back to school can be exciting and anxious for kids. Fun writing prompts can help smooth the transition, allowing kids to express their thoughts and feelings creatively. 

Here are 100 free writing prompts neatly categorized to assist students in reflecting on their summer, setting new goals, making friends, and considering their academic and creative aspirations.

Reflecting on Summer

Reflecting on their summer helps kids transition into the start of a new school year with a sense of closure and excitement for what’s ahead.

  1. Describe Your Favorite Summer Memory: What was the best thing that happened this summer?
  2. Summer Trip: Write about a trip you went on. What made it special?
  3. Best Day Ever: Describe your perfect summer day from start to finish.
  4. Learned Something New: What new thing did you learn this summer?
  5. Summer Friend: Did you make any new friends this summer? Write about them. If not, write about something you did with a friend this summer.
  6. Summer Hobby: Did you pick up a new hobby this summer? Explain what it is and why you enjoy it.
  7. Family Fun: Write about a fun activity you did with your family this summer.
  8. Nature Adventure: Describe a time you spent in nature this summer. What did you see and do?
  9. Movie Time: What was your favorite movie you watched this summer?
  10. Bookworm: Write about a book you read over the summer. What did you like about it?
  11. Summer’s Taste: What is your favorite food to eat during the summer? Describe it in detail.
  12. Summer Sports: Did you play any sports over summer break? Write about a memorable game or practice.
  13. Beach Day: Describe your perfect day at the beach. What did you do, see, and hear?
  14. Summer Night: Write about a memorable summer night. What made it unique and different from the day?
  15. Summer Guests: Did any guests visit you during the summer? Write about who they were and what you did together.
  16. Unexpected Event: Describe an unexpected event that happened over the summer. How did you feel about it?
  17. Favorite Summer Song: What was your favorite song this summer? How did it make you feel?
  18. Summer Crafts: Did you make anything creative during the summer? Write about the process and your creation.
  19. Outdoor Games: What outdoor games did you play? Describe your favorite one and how to play it.
  20. Summer Scavenger Hunt: Did you ever go on a scavenger hunt? Write about what you found and where you found it.

New School Year Goals

Setting goals gives kids a sense of direction and purpose for the start of the school year.

21. Academic Goal: What is one academic goal you have for this year?

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22. Personal Growth: Write about a personal skill you want to improve.

23. New Activity: What new activity or club do you want to join this year?

24. Helping Others: How can you help others at school this year?

25. Overcoming Challenges: Write about a challenge you faced last year and how you’ll overcome it this year.

26. Organizational Skill: How can you stay organized this school season?

27. Healthy Habits: What healthy habits will you start this year?

28. 1st Day of School: What would be your perfect first day of school? Describe the day from beginning to end. 

29. Teacher Bond: Write about how you can create a positive relationship with your teachers.

30. Long-Term Dream: Describe a long-term goal you have for your future.

31. Reading Challenge: Set a goal for how many books you want to read this year. Why did you choose that number?

32. Creative Project: What creative project do you want to complete this school year?

33. Class Participation: Set a goal for how often you will participate in class discussions. Why do you think this is important?

34. Leadership Role: Do you want to take on any leadership roles this year, like being a class representative or team captain? Write about your goal.

35. Technology Skill: What new technology skill do you want to learn? Why?

36. Cultural Exploration: How will you learn about different cultures or traditions this year?

37. Science Experiment: Describe a science experiment you want to conduct this year. What do you hope to learn from it?

38. Public Speaking: What is your goal for improving your public speaking skills this year?

39. Artistic Expression: Set a goal for an art project you want to create. Why does this project interest you?

40. Environmental Contribution: How will you contribute to making your school more eco-friendly? Write about your goals and plans.

Friendship and Social Skills

Focusing on social skills can help kids feel more comfortable and confident in their interactions.

41. New Friend: How do you make a new friend?

42. Maintaining Friendships: What makes a good friend?

43. Conflict Resolution: Write about a time you had a disagreement with a friend and how you resolved it.

44. Teamwork: Describe a situation where you worked well in a team.

45. Kindness: How can you show kindness to others at school?

46. Social Skill: What social skills do you want to improve this year?

47. Helping a Friend: Write about a time you helped a friend in need.

48. Listening: How can you be a better listener?

49. Friendship Qualities: What are the important qualities of a true friend?

50. Inclusion: How can you make sure everyone feels included?

51. Icebreaker School Activities: Write about an icebreaker activity you can organize to help new students get to know each other.

52. Compliments: Describe how giving compliments can strengthen friendships. Write about three compliments you could give to your friends.

53. Empathy Exercise: Write about a time when you showed empathy to a friend. How did it affect your friendship?

54. Positive Peer Influence: Describe a way you can positively influence your friends this year.

55. Respectful Disagreement: Write about how to disagree respectfully in a conversation with friends.

56. Supporting a Friend: Describe a situation where your friend is struggling. How would you support them?

57. Celebrating Differences: Write about how you can celebrate differences and diversity within your friend group.

58. Active Listening: What are some ways you can show active listening when a friend is talking to you?

59. Building Trust: Discuss how you can build and maintain trust in your friendships.

60. Fun and Games: Write about a new game or activity you can introduce to your friends during recess or free time.

Academic Aspirations

Encouraging kids to think about their academic goals can boost their motivation and focus.

61. Favorite Subject: What is your favorite subject and why?

62. Study Tips: Write about your best study tip or technique.

63. Homework Strategy: How do you make homework time more effective and less stressful?

64. Academic Challenge: Describe an academic challenge you overcame.

65. Learning Style: Write about your learning style. Are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner?

66. Future Career: What career are you interested in and why?

67. Interesting Project: Describe a school project you enjoyed working on.

68. Test Preparation: How do you prepare for tests and exams?

69. Group Study: Write about the benefits of studying in a group.

70. Academic Inspiration: Who inspires you academically and why?

71. Math Milestone: Set a goal for a math skill you want to master this year. Why is it important to you?

72. Science Exploration: Choose a scientific topic you are curious about and plan a project or research to learn more about it.

73. Language Learning: What new language or language skill do you want to learn this year? Why does it interest you?

74. Essay Writing: Set a goal for improving your essay-writing skills. What steps will you take to achieve this?

75. Presentation Skills: Describe how you will improve your presentation skills and why this is important for your academic success.

76. Historical Inquiry: Pick a historical event or figure you want to study in-depth. Explain your reasons and what you hope to discover.

77. Cross-Disciplinary Learning: How can you connect what you’re learning in one subject to another subject? Write about a specific project or idea.

78. Advanced Reading: Set a goal for reading advanced or challenging books. How will you select these books, and what do you hope to gain?

79. Extracurricular Knowledge: Write about how joining an academic club (like debate, chess, or a science club) can help you in your studies.

80. Journal Keeping: How will keeping an academic journal help you track your learning progress? Write about what you will include in your journal.

Creative and Fun Prompts

Keeping the writing process fun and imaginative can keep kids excited about the activity.

81. Magical World: Imagine and describe a world where kids run everything.

82. Superpowers: If you had one superpower, what would it be and why?

83. Dream School: Describe your dream school. What does it look like, and what makes it special?

84. Animal Talk: Write a story where you can talk to animals. What do they say?

85. Time Travel: If you could travel back in time, where and when would you go?

86. Mystery Adventure: Write about a mysterious adventure you go on with friends.

87. Invention: Invent a new gadget or toy. Explain how it works.

88. Future Self: Write a letter to your future self about your hopes and dreams.

89. Favorite Character: Describe a day spent with your favorite book or movie character.

90. Imaginary Friend: Write about an adventure with your imaginary friend.

91. Alien Encounter: Write a story about meeting an alien. What do they look like, and what happens during your encounter?

92. Mystical Island: Imagine discovering a mystical island. Describe the creatures, plants, and adventures you experience there.

93. Time Capsule: Describe what you would put in a time capsule to represent your life right now and why.

94. Haunted House: Write a spooky story about spending a night in a haunted house. What mysteries do you uncover?

95. Magic Potion: Create a recipe for a magical potion. What does it do, and what ingredients are needed?

96. Underwater City: Imagine an underwater city. Describe its inhabitants, architecture, and daily life.

97. Robot Friend: Write about a robot that becomes your best friend. What special features does it have, and how do you spend time together?

98. Invisible for a Day: What would you do if you were invisible for a day? Write about your adventures and the consequences.

99. Dream Land: Describe a land that exists only in your dreams. What makes it unique, and who lives there?

100. Whimsical Festival: Create a whimsical festival. Describe the activities, food, music, and decorations that make it special.

Engage your kids with these varied and compelling prompts to make their transition back to school enjoyable, insightful, and creative. These prompts encourage reflection, goal setting, social skills, academic aspirations, and imaginative thinking.


Get the free Silly Sentence and Story Maker Creative Writing Activity for kids.
Get this FREE Silly Sentence and Story Maker Creative Writing Activity for kids now!


Why Writing Prompts are Essential for Back-to-School

Writing prompts are powerful tools that significantly benefit children transitioning back to school. By integrating different writing prompts into daily routines, kids can tap into their creativity, improve their literacy skills, and navigate the emotional roller-coaster of starting a new school year.

Encouraging Creativity and Expression

Writing prompts spark creativity and let kids express their thoughts and feelings about going back to school. 

Prompts like “Write about a magical adventure you had at school over summer vacation” give kids a canvas on which to paint their unique stories. They can share their excitement, fears, or dreams through their writing, making it a fun and enriching writing activity.

Here are a few ways journal prompts encourage creativity:

  • Spark Ideas: Prompts help kids come up with new ideas they might not think of on their own.
  • Freedom of Expression: Kids can write freely without worrying about right or wrong answers.
  • Boost Confidence: Sharing their creative stories with others can build their confidence.

Building Writing Skills

Regular writing practice through journal prompts enhances kids’ writing abilities, setting them up for academic success. Writing prompts are like gym workouts for the brain. The more kids write, the stronger their writing muscles get. 

Prompts can help kids practice various aspects of writing, such as grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary.

Benefits of writing prompts for skill-building:

  1. Improved Grammar: Frequent practice helps kids learn and apply grammar rules.
  2. Better Vocabulary: Exposure to new words through writing expands their vocabulary.
  3. Enhanced Structure: Prompts teach kids how to organize their thoughts and structure their writing.

Easing Transition Anxiety

The transition to a new school or school year can be overwhelming, but writing about their feelings and experiences helps kids manage their anxiety. Expressing themselves on paper provides a safe outlet for their worries and excitement. 

Prompts like, “Describe your perfect first day at school,” allow them to reflect on their emotions and feel more in control.

Writing can ease transition anxiety by:

  • Providing an Outlet: Kids can vent their feelings without judgment.
  • Encouraging Reflection: Writing about their day helps them process experiences.
  • Promoting Positivity: Focusing on positive aspects of school can shift their mindset.

Incorporating writing prompts into your child’s back-to-school routine can make the transition smoother, more enjoyable, and, ultimately, more successful. 

Whether it’s fostering creativity, building essential skills, or easing anxiety, writing prompts are a valuable tool for any young learner.


Tips for Parents to Encourage Writing at Home

Helping your kids with their writing at home can be a fun and rewarding experience. It doesn’t have to be stressful or boring. By making a few simple changes, you can turn writing into an enjoyable part of your child’s daily life.

Creating a Writing Space

A dedicated space for writing can inspire your child to get creative. Here’s how you can set up an inviting and comfortable writing area:

  • Choose a Quiet Spot: Find a place in your home that’s quiet and free from distractions.
  • Comfortable Seating: Make sure the chair and desk are at a comfortable height.
  • Good Lighting: Ensure there is plenty of natural light or a good lamp to reduce eye strain.
  • Stock Up on Supplies: Provide plenty of paper, notebooks, pens, pencils, and other writing tools.
  • Add Personal Touches: Let your child decorate their space. Adding posters, stickers, or pictures can make it feel special.

A well-organized and creative space can motivate your child to spend more time writing.

Incorporating Writing into Daily Routine

Making writing a natural part of the day can help your child see it as fun and not a chore. Here are some ideas to weave writing into daily activities:

  • Daily Journal Entry: Encourage your child to write about their day, their thoughts, or their dreams in a journal.
  • Grocery Lists: Have your child help by writing the grocery list. They can feel proud when they find and check off items at the store.
  • Letters and Notes: Writing letters to family members, thank-you notes, or even short notes to you can practice their skills.
  • Recipes: Ask them to write down or copy recipes when cooking together.
  • Stories: Encourage storytelling by asking your child to write short stories or poems about things they love.

By integrating these simple activities, writing can become a fun and regular part of your child’s life.

Positive Reinforcement

Celebrating your child’s writing accomplishments can build their confidence and make them more willing to continue. Positive reinforcement can be given in many ways:

  • Comments and Praise: Always praise their efforts and creativity. Highlight what you loved about their writing.
  • Display Their Work: Put their writing on the fridge, in frames, or on a special ‘writing wall‘.
  • Rewards: Offer small rewards like stickers, a favorite treat, or extra playtime for writing achievements.
  • Writing Contests: Enroll them in writing contests or encourage them to share their stories with friends and family.
  • Read Together: Spend time reading their work together. Ask them to explain their stories and ideas.

Check out these 39 Simple Ways to Celebrate Your Child’s Success.

Showing appreciation and celebrating their hard work can make a huge difference in encouraging your child to write more.

Encouraging writing at home doesn’t have to be complicated. Creating a conducive environment, incorporating writing into daily routines, and celebrating accomplishments can help your child develop a love for writing that will last a lifetime.

Additional Resources for Writing

Writing prompts can be a fantastic way to get kids excited about going back to school. They can stimulate creativity, improve literacy skills, and provide an outlet for any anxieties they might feel about the new year.

Additional Writing Activities & Prompts for Kids


If you’re searching for additional ways your child can get caught back up during breaks or even some evenings… we offer one-on-one special education tutoring that can be done from anywhere you are! Why? Because our special education experts conduct their sessions online!

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Text '100 Creative Back to School Writing Prompts for Kids' at the top. Below, a young girl with pigtails writes in a journal, smiling and holding a green pencil. The Special Ed Resource logo is in the bottom center.
Want to get your child excited about school? Try these Back to School Writing Prompts to ease their transition into the new school year.

Picture of Shannah Holt

Shannah Holt

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